A set of BIDS compatible datasets with empty raw data files that can be used for writing lightweight software tests.
- 0
Add a citation.cff to one or several of the examples
#422 opened by Remi-Gau - 3
MTS example do not follow current specs
#459 opened by bpinsard - 0
`venv` folder is present in `.gitignore` but not in skipped folders (`folders_to_skip`)
#457 opened by chourroutm - 1
Convert Range into Levels for
#447 opened by yarikoptic - 1
Bad IntendedFors being caught by schema validator
#437 opened by effigies - 2
- 2
pet001 needs "Tracer" in sidecar.
#416 opened by rwblair - 5
- 1
- 0
qmri_qsm missing Unit metadata?
#366 opened by rwblair - 10
genetics_ukbb strange slicetiming.
#400 opened by rwblair - 6
genetics_ukbb missing EchoTime1 and EchoTime2
#401 opened by rwblair - 1
- 0
- 7
ds116 issue with some events files
#397 opened by rwblair - 1
- 3
low_cutoff and high_cutoff columns in fnirs_tapping
#396 opened by rwblair - 0
Add a vaso example dataset
#392 opened by Remi-Gau - 0
Add a dataset example with physio data in func
#391 opened by smoia - 0
- 1
- 6
- 2
typo: iEGG should be iEEG
#382 opened by dorahermes - 0
make readme content "machine readable"
#375 opened by Remi-Gau - 2
render the examples as website
#374 opened by Remi-Gau - 2
- 8
access microscopy example data
#369 opened by tischi - 0
Add example with task entity in the anat folder
#341 opened by Remi-Gau - 1
`.bidsignore` review
#352 opened by TheChymera - 1
HED validation of example failed
#345 opened by sappelhoff - 5
What to do with invalid BIDS data that are the "source" of the BIDS examples?
#340 opened by Remi-Gau - 2
- 0
Edit examples to use BIDS URIs
#303 opened by sappelhoff - 5
Including intentionally broken datasets?
#327 opened by TheChymera - 5
Empty dataset description for MPM derivatives
#310 opened by Remi-Gau - 1
Invalid dataset_description for qmri_qsm dataset
#311 opened by Remi-Gau - 3
- 5
invalid synthetic/derivatives
#292 opened by Remi-Gau - 2
- 4
BIDS genetics example has no genetics data?
#308 opened by maxpietsch - 1
Ensure that the BIDS version in the dataset description is compatible with the type of data it contains
#299 opened by Remi-Gau - 11
task entity for electrodes in eeg_face13?
#244 opened by Remi-Gau - 0
- 2
hcp_example_bids data not working
#271 opened by chiara111p111 - 13
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add examples for BEP001 qMRI
#227 opened by sappelhoff - 2
PET examples need to be updated
#220 opened by chrisrj - 0
validate NIfTI headers in synthetic dataset
#228 opened by sappelhoff - 2
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