
Utils or Helper ?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi @tischi and @martinschorb,

Which name do you prefer for classes which hold static useful methods ? 'Helper' or 'Utils'?

We have currently in the repo:

  • SourceAndConverterUtils
  • SourceTransformHelper
  • BdvUtils
  • RAIHelper (this one should disappear)
  • InputTriggerConfigHelper
  • BdvHandleHelper (should be merged with BdvUtils)
  • BvvHandleHelper
  • DisplaysettingsHelper

Personally, I am using Utils a lot but I can never decide whether it should be Utils, Utilities, or Util.
As Helper does not have this issue, I am in favour for Helper.

And, maybe typo, but I would say DisplaySettingsHelper (not DisplaysettingsHelper).

Another common convention, bye the way, is using the Plural:


In imglib2 for example Intervals.*

However that does not work well for everything, e.g., BdvHandles feels weird ot me.

Helpers ? ;-)

Ok, let's go for helper (unless @martinschorb has a strong opinion against it ?). I will refactor in a separate branch, as discussed before.