
Installation instructions have errors

raziurtotha opened this issue · 4 comments

How to clone these repo as the same directory name? I don't really understand. Is that a mistake?

git clone rosgpt_vision
git clone rosgpt_vision

I have the same question 😔

Hi @Purulence666 and @winster-bai

Clone the First Repository: You can start by cloning the first repository into the rosgpt_vision directory as you have done. This will create a new directory named rosgpt_vision and clone the repository into it.

git clone rosgpt_vision

Navigate to the Directory: Once the first repository is cloned, you should navigate into the rosgpt_vision directory.

cd rosgpt_vision
Clone Additional Repositories Inside: Now that you are inside the rosgpt_vision directory, you can clone the additional repositories. However, since you want them in the same directory, you'll need to use a different approach, such as using git submodule.

git submodule add

git submodule add

This will add these repositories as submodules within your rosgpt_vision directory. Each repository will be in its own subdirectory within rosgpt_vision.

Hi @AnasHXH , sorry for the confusion. I don't want to install the additional repositories under rosgpt_vision. I meant to ask, by following your instructions, I tried to run the installation process. But it resulted into error that
"destination path 'rosgpt_vision' already exists and is not an empty directory". So I was wondering how the following two lines from the installation instructions,
git clone rosgpt_vision
git clone rosgpt_vision"

should be used.

Thank you for your Comment @Purulence666, commands have been modified

git clone
cd ROSGPT_Vision
git clone
git clone
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ROSGPT_Vision