Auto-launching the RISE plugin for Binder presentations.
Jupyter NotebookBSD-3-Clause
- ablekhGartner Inc.
- adityavTuneIn
- astrojuanlu@kedro-org
- blackwint3r
- cameronraysmithHarvard Medical School
- camille-s@CT-Data-Haven
- carlosFPGABogota D.C., Colombia
- dkapitanfreelance data scientist
- drillan
- ELCGermany
- fomightezUpstate Medical University
- GuitarsAIIlmenau
- jenflyVancouver, BC
- JuryABrno, Czech Republic
- kcaylorUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
- kiaderouicheAdgon solutions
- mathematicalmichael@mindthemath
- matthewfeickertUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- mdeffQualcomm AI Research
- moorepantsred Love
- nicoguaroUniversidad EAFIT
- OlehKSS
- pinshuaiUtah State University
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- RaoOfPhysicsCOALESCE (UWE Bristol); ICCS, Cambridge
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
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- therobotacademy
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- wesszabo
- yyyg45
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- zerataxGermany