BLAS libraries use maximum number of available cores.
sritchie73 opened this issue · 2 comments
This has come up recently when diagnosing problems with one of the nodes on our cluster. Another user was using this MOFA R package, and that R process had spawned 64 threads even though the user had requested only 1 cpu on the cluster. We were able to solve this problem by restricting the number of threads available to BLAS/OMP.
This issue commonly arises when using matrix algebra code (e.g. SVD), which themselves call lower level matrix algebra libraries (e.g. Open BLAS) - as is the case in R.
I'm not familiar with this R package, but you can solve this problem by adding the following to the relevant R function that uses these libraries (e.g. any calls to svd()
, or prcomp()
library(RhpcBLASctl) # needs to be added as an Imports: in the DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files
mofa <- function(..., nThreads) {
# This code explicitly allows the user to control how many threads the matrix algebra calls can use,
# then restores the previous state:
oldOMPThreads <- omp_get_max_threads()
oldBLASThreads <- blas_get_num_procs()
# Restore to previous state when the function exits (either successfully or on error)
}, add=TRUE)
Hi Scott,
FYI it’s the runMOFA() function.
Hi Scott,
thanks for posting the function, I will include it in the next release.