
Non-zero exit code but package get's build and uploaded successfully

timosachsenberg opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, our bioconda build always returns with exit code != 0 because it doesn't find the tar.gz file

OpenMS/OpenMS#6514 (comment)

We disabled upload during build and the perform the upload separately - which works:

Using Anaconda API:
[DEBUG] Using token from command line args
Using "openms" as upload username
Processing '/home/builder/jenkins-ws/ws/openms/ntly/conda/output/linux-64/libopenms-3.0.0dev-h135471a_0.tar.bz2'
Detecting file type...
[DEBUG] Testing if conda package ..
[DEBUG] This is a conda package
File type is "conda"
Extracting conda package attributes for upload
Creating package "libopenms"
Creating release "3.0.0dev"
Uploading file "openms/libopenms/3.0.0dev/linux-64/libopenms-3.0.0dev-h135471a_0.tar.bz2"
[WARNING] Distribution "linux-64/libopenms-3.0.0dev-h135471a_0.tar.bz2" already exists. Removing.
Upload complete

Could this be an error in build?