How to run / startup failed
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I'm trying to run this pipeline on data from this paper and am not sure how to get started. What is the syntax for specifying the reads, genome, transcriptome, etc? I tried nextflow run biocorecrg/indrop
to get help and the build failed (below).
Can you help me understand what may be happening?
Mon 4 Mar - 10:26 ~/code/indrop origin ☊ master ✔
nextflow run biocorecrg/indrop
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.01.0
Pulling biocorecrg/indrop ...
downloaded from
Launching `biocorecrg/indrop` [stupefied_joliot] - revision: 89fce82042 [master]
ERROR ~ unable to resolve class QualityChecker
@ line 111, column 14.
def qc = new QualityChecker(input:read, cpus:task.cpus)
_nf_script_3de07612: 159: unable to resolve class QualityChecker
@ line 159, column 14.
def qc = new QualityChecker(input:filtered_read, cpus:task.cpus)
_nf_script_3de07612: 179: unable to resolve class QualityChecker
@ line 179, column 14.
def qc = new QualityChecker(input:right_pair)
_nf_script_3de07612: 203: unable to resolve class NGSaligner
@ line 203, column 19.
def aligner = new NGSaligner(reference_file:genomeFile, index:"STARgenome", annotation_file:annotationFile, read_size:read_size-1, cpus:task.cpus)
_nf_script_3de07612: 226: unable to resolve class NGSaligner
@ line 226, column 19.
def aligner = new NGSaligner(id:pair_id, reads:reads, index:STARgenome, cpus:task.cpus, output:"STAR_${pair_id}")
5 errors
-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
Dear Olga, did you follow the Readme? You should install the library by running sh and have either singularity or docker installed in your system. Let me know if it works.
Thank you for your response! Yes, I was able to follow the
, I'm just confused at what to do next, what flags are required, whether they can be AWS S3 paths or do they all need to be local, etc
Hi Olga, I tested this on HPC cluster but not in the cloud. It should be possible to run in the cloud since Nextflow supports this... The required parameters are in params.config while in nextflow.config are specified the resources needed.