Machine Learning


Article Notebook / source code
Create Virtual Environment using “virtualenv” and add it to Jupyter Notebook N/A
Create Virtual Environment using “conda” and add it to Jupyter Notebook N/A

Data Analysis


Article Notebook / source code
Using Pandas pipe function to improve code readability notebook
Using Pandas method chaining to improve code readability notebook
What is One-Hot Encoding and how to use Pandas get_dummies function notebook
7 setups you should include at the beginning of a data science project notebook
6 Pandas Tricks you should know to speed up your data analysis notebook
4 tricks you should know to parse date columns with Pandas read_csv() notebook
Pandas read_csv() tricks you should know notebook
Working with datetime in Pandas DataFrame notebook
When to use Pandas transform() function notebook
Difference between apply() and transform() in Pandas notebook
Introduction to Pandas apply(), applymap(), and map() TBA soon
Working with missing values in Pandas TBA soon
Pandas Equivalents of various SQL queries TBA soon
A Practical Introduction to Pandas pivot_table() notebook

Applied Data Analysis and EDA

Article Notebook / source code
COVID-19 data processing with Pandas DataFrame TBA soon

Data Visualization

Article Notebook / source code
Python Interactive Data Visualization with Altair Gist
Interactive Data Visualization for exploring Coronavirus Spreads Gist

TensorFlow in practice

Article Notebook / source code
The Google's 7 steps of Machine Learing in Practice notebook
3 ways to create a Machine Learning model with Keras and TensorFlow 2.0 notebook
Model Regularization in practice notebook
Batch Normalization in practice notebook
Early Stopping in practice notebook
Learning Rate schedules in Practice notebook

Scikit-Learn in practice

PyTorch in practice