BRWMDI is a computational method to identify potential microbe-disease interactions.


Copyright (C) 2014 Jianxin Wang(jxwang@mail.csu.edu.cn),Cheng Yan(yancheng01@csu.edu.cn)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Jianxin Wang(jxwang@mail.csu.edu.cn),Cheng Yan(yancheng01@csu.edu.cn) School of Information Science and Engineering Central South University ChangSha CHINA, 410083

Predicting microbe-disease interactions

BRWMDI is one novel computational method, which utilizes bi-random walk algorithm in diease and microbe networks to identify potential microbe-disease interactions.


  1. Disease_Number.xlsx store disease ids and names;

  2. Microbe_Number.xlsx store microbe ids and names;

  3. Disease-Microbe_Number.xlsx store the known microbe-disease interactions;


  1. knowndiseasemicrobeinteraction.txt store the known microbe-disease interactions;

  2. SymtomBased.mat store the symtom-based similarity of diseases;

  3. main.m : main function;

  4. BRWMDI5cv.m: function of 5-fold cross validation of BRWMDI;

  5. BRWMDI.m: function of BRWMDI;

  6. positiontooverallauc.m: function of calculating the AUC value;

  7. SNF.m: function of similarity network fusion;


  1. knowndiseasemicrobeinteraction.txt store the known microbe-disease interactions;

  2. SymtomBased.mat store the symtom-based similarity of diseases;

  3. main.m : main function;

  4. BRWMDI_LOOCV.m: function of LOOCV of BRWMDI;

  5. BRWMDI.m: function of BRWMDI;

  6. positiontooverallauc.m: function of calculating the AUC value;

  7. SNF.m: function of similarity network fusion;

All files of Data and Code should be stored in the same folder to run BRWMDI.