
Fetching biolink-model for validate is confused by `v` in biolink version

kevinschaper opened this issue · 1 comments

If I try to validate to a specific biolink version, it tries to fetch the raw GitHub url for biolink without the v and gets a 404:

% kgx validate -i tsv -b 3.1.1 monarch-kg.tar.gz -o kgx-validate.txt
[KGX][][    validate_wrapper] ERROR: HTTP Error 404:

If I try to include the v, kgx complains that I'm not specifying the version correctly:

kgx validate -i tsv -b v3.1.1 monarch-kg.tar.gz -o kgx-validate.txt
[KGX][][    validate_wrapper] ERROR: The 'biolink_release' argument 'v3.1.1' is not a properly formatted 'major.minor.patch' semantic version?

I'm guessing all this needs is to hardcode the v into the url?

@sierra-moxon Nevermind - it looks like this is already fixed and the fix just isn't in the latest release