PC-corr algorithm associated to PCA analysis

Enlightening discriminative network functional modules behind Principal Component Analysis separation in differential-omic science studies

Article in Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 43946 (2017), doi:10.1038/srep43946


Sara Ciucci, Yan Ge, Claudio Durán, Alessandra Palladini, Víctor Jiménez-Jiménez, Luisa María Martínez-Sánchez, Yuting Wang, Susanne Sales, Andrej Shevchenko, Steven W. Poser, Maik Herbig, Oliver Otto, Andreas Androutsellis-Theotokis, Jochen Guck, Mathias J. Gerl & Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci


Omic science is rapidly growing and one of the most employed techniques to explore differential patterns in omic datasets is principal component analysis (PCA). However, a method to enlighten the network of omic features that mostly contribute to the sample separation obtained by PCA is missing. An alternative is to build correlation networks between univariately-selected significant omic features, but this neglects the multivariate unsupervised feature compression responsible for the PCA sample segregation. Biologists and medical researchers often prefer effective methods that offer an immediate interpretation to complicated algorithms that in principle promise an improvement but in practice are difficult to be applied and interpreted. Here we present PC-corr: a simple algorithm that associates to any PCA segregation a discriminative network of features. Such network can be inspected in search of functional modules useful in the definition of combinatorial and multiscale biomarkers from multifaceted omic data in systems and precision biomedicine. We offer proofs of PC-corr efficacy on lipidomic, metagenomic, developmental genomic, population genetic, cancer promoteromic and cancer stem-cell mechanomic data. Finally, PC-corr is a general functional network inference approach that can be easily adopted for big data exploration in computer science and analysis of complex systems in physics.


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