
developmental disorders phenotype

Primary LanguagePython

Java or Pathon?


  1. A generic package for loading/parsing/inmorting/exporting ontology to neo4j.
  2. A module which deal with annotation data, specifically autism patient data.
  3. A statistic module for analysis such as enrichment analysis and semantic similarity.
  4. may contain possible wrapping of existing C++/R/Python code


loading of ontologies files (a) in topOnto and

semantic similarities

network clusting

Page rank

  • Colin has python code to export/import obo file to/from the server. NRG is running a neo4j server. (account created:xin)
  • Colin: C++ code to contruct a network/vetice/edge object.
  • Colin: C++ hypergeometric test for enrichment test. Accept the two comparing gene list as input.
  • R code for entrypy calculation on igraph network. Example in PPI network. Code is currently workong with undirect graph, needs to be implement to work with directional graph.

NRG server ip:

Meeting note 5th Oct 2018

image image image


  • Graph structure:

Nodes, Edges, Graph...neo4j.jar

  • Communication with server


Loading ontology into python/java


Java api:


  • An API for OWL 2 and an in-memory reference implementation
  • RDF/XML parser and writer
  • OWL/XML parser and writer
  • OWL Functional Syntax parser and writer
  • Turtle parser and writer
  • KRSS parser
  • OBO format parser
  • Reasoner interfaces for working with reasoners such as FaCT++, HermiT, Pellet, Racer, JFact and Chainsaw.*

python api:

  • rdflib

git update-index --assume-unchanged ddp2neo4j/settings.py