
Underscore in NAME clashes with R package syntax

lonsbio opened this issue · 5 comments

Just noting that _ in program name will clash with the R implementation when using and produce an error:

Malformed package name

Not sure whether to enforce for all languages a minimal common set of characters, or add a check for R only

bjpop commented

Thanks @lonsbio. Can you please provide more details about the problem?
Maybe an example scenario or command which would trigger it?

bjpop commented

I think this is now solved? @jessicachung, can you comment on this?

R package names have certain requirements, mainly the name can only contain letters, numbers and periods.

So a package name like bio_test would fail to install if using the boot script.

boot/ -l r -n bio_test
cd bio_test && R CMD INSTALL bio_test

Not sure if this type of non-allowed character problem is only specific to R. Maybe we could include a regex check after step 2 of the boot script.

An expression like this will work for R names:

[[ ${new_project_name} =~ ^[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9.]*[A-Za-z0-9]$ ]] && echo "ok"
bjpop commented

Thanks @jessicachung. I suspect this problem might occur in other languages too.

I can see two options:

  1. Just warn people that this problem might occur, and to be careful with the package name. Easy for us, but not so nice for the user.
  2. Update to check for bad names. This will have to be on a per-language basis. More work for us, but better for the user.

Option 2 is probably the best thing to do, but it requires some people to implement it. Maybe we can do it lazily, by fixing R first, and then fixing any others if/when we discover a problem?

bjpop commented
