NodeJS API wrapping the NCBI BLAST Common URL API. WIP.
Goals are to
- provide a (typed) JS API that makes it simpler to work NCBI BLAST
- probably Flow since it makes clean JS after flow-remove-types
- question: how to support Flow and TS type libraries/definitions?
- interporates well with other bionode modules: streams compatible (e.g. object stream of matches)
- express REST server wrapping JS API to provide a truly REST interface
- once finalized, illustrate interoperability with webapp/Electron/BioJS visualization modules
- e.g. Electron BLAST app that automatically stores results locally
- Only allow some params conditonal on other params
- e.g. description only allowed when report is Text/HTML
- Param validation
- Param description
- Param defaults
- Param defaults conditional on other params
- e.g. if program is blastp or blastn, change word size
- Configurable param defaults
- Response schema
- Typed params
- Typed response
- RAML/Swagger spec REST API, local wrapper server