If you use this toolbox, please cite the following related papers:

[1] "A Latent State-based Multimodal Execution Monitor with Anomaly Detection and Classification for Robot Introspection", Hongmin Wu, Yisheng Guan , Juan Rojas, Appl. Sci. 2019, 9(6), 1072; doi: 10.3390/app9061072.http://www.juanrojas.net/files/papers/2019AS-Wu-LatState_MMExecMntr_AnmlyDetClassif.pdf;

[2]"Robot Introspection for Process Monitoring in Robotic Contact Tasks through Bayesian Nonparametric Autoregressive Hidden Markov Models",Hongmin Wu, Yisheng Guan and Juan Rojas, International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems, 2018 (IF 0.952).http://www.juanrojas.net/files/papers/2019IJARS-Wu_Rojas-AnalysisHDPVARHMM.pdf