
all sources for the Yujin lidar

Primary LanguageC++

Yujin LiDAR

Official Website: http://lidar.yujinrobot.com/

About Yujin LiDAR

YRL series LiDAR is designed to detect objects, measure distances from surroundings and collect data as point clouds. Yujin LiDAR is an optimized solution for indoor mapping, navigation, localization and other applications in a variety of industries including robotics, safety and security.

Videos of 3D SLAM and Obstacle Detection

ROS Package Maintenance

  • ROS Version: Melodic
  • Maintainer Status: Developed
  • Author: Ju Young Kim
  • License: BSD

Supported Hardware

  • YRL2-05 (2D, 5m)
  • YRL2-10 (2D, 10m)
  • YRL2-20 (2D, 20m)
  • YRL3-05 (3D, 5m)
  • YRL3-10 (3D, 10m)
  • YRL3-20 (3D, 20m)

ROS Package Installation

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src/
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone https://
cd ..
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rospack profile


  • Package Name: yujin_yrl_package
  • Node Name: yrl_pub
  • Publisher Name : yrl_pub
  • Topic Name : yrl_cloud


YRL ROS driver imports YRL Linux driver. To get and set parameters of YRL ROS driver, please use APIs explained in the manual.


rosrun yujin_yrl_package yrl_pub
rostopic echo /yrl_pub/yrl_cloud
rosrun rviz rviz

Additional Software


  • Ubuntu 18.04 is required.

For Linux: Dependency Installation

sudo apt-get install qt5-default

For Linux: Quick Start For Viewer

cd dir_of_Yujin_Lidar_Viewer
sudo -H ./Yujin_Lidar_Viewer.sh


  • Catalog
  • User manual
  • Communication Protocol Specification
  • 2D/3D CAD

lidar Yujin Logo