
Merchant API Specification


RFC Notice

ReadMe version 1.5.0.

This draft spec is released as an RFC (request for comment) as part of the public review process. Any comments, criticisms or suggestions should be directed toward the issues page on this github repository.

A reference implementation of the Merchant API server is available here.

mAPI Specification

BRFC title authors version
5494bcaa549e mAPI nChain 1.5.0


mAPI v1.5.0 requires BSV Node v1.0.10 or later.


Merchant API (mAPI) is an additional service that miners can offer to merchants. It enables merchants to get policy and fee quotes for submitting transactions, submit the transaction and query the transaction status.


The following improvements have been made to the specification and mAPI v1.5.0 compliant implementations provide the following:

  • Once an implementation accepts a transaction, that commits the implementation to mining the transaction in a future block, which relieves merchants from having to repeatedly query and resubmit their transactions to ensure that they will be mined
  • An indication that the transaction may be resubmitted is given by the submit transaction response payload failureRetryable flag, which relieves merchants from parsing the response resultDescription field to distinguish between bad requests and transient failures
  • If the implementation resubmits a transaction or submits a transaction that has already been mined, implementation maps that into a successful result for the merchant, who is able to resubmit without problems even in the case of network failure
  • If node fails during submission of a transaction, the implementation automatically resubmits the transaction on behalf of the merchant
  • If implementation gets mixed results from multiple nodes, which indicates that at least one node has accepted the transaction, the implementation maps the results into success for the merchant which relieves them from parsing the response to determine what happened and what should be done about it

Data Flow Diagram

data flow

Note: This protocol uses the JSON envelopes BRFC as well as the Fee Spec BRFC. Note: The example JSON below illustrates the syntax and typical data


The REST API has these endpoints:

  1. Get policy quote
  2. Get fee quote
  3. Submit transaction
  4. Query transaction status
  5. Submit multiple transactions
  6. Query transaction outputs

1. Get policy quote


This endpoint is used to get the different policies quoted by a miner. It returns a JSONEnvelope with a payload that contains the policies used by a specific BSV miner. The purpose of the envelope is to ensure strict consistency in the message content for the purpose of signing responses. This is a superset of the fee quote service, as it also includes information on DSNT IP addresses and miner policies.


GET /mapi/policyQuote


HTTP response codes include:

code meaning description
200 Ok has the following JSON body
404 Not found policy quote unavailable
  "payload": "{see below}",
  "signature": "3044022020491e059ca6c095464e119ecc7d95554756c1e73afa6f47800e97102224f2f202205f41f45e34cc230a074813e3868225036c464af730bb7a4b8713f4d27e877ada",
  "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "mimetype": "application/json"
field function
payload main data payload encoded in a compressed JSON format
signature signature on the payload string or null
publicKey public key to verify signature or null
encoding encoding type for the payload
mimetype multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type for the payload
Expanded Payload:
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-04T10:45:29.4034819Z",
  "expiryTime": "2022-11-04T10:55:29.4034819Z",
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "currentHighestBlockHash": "6114b49cadc9974fe4ef8e82565bae53c58a86d2b1599af845ff953bc8391c6e",
  "currentHighestBlockHeight": 151,
  "fees": [
      "feeType": "standard",
      "miningFee": {
        "satoshis": 500,
        "bytes": 1000
      "relayFee": {
        "satoshis": 250,
        "bytes": 1000
      "feeType": "data",
      "miningFee": {
        "satoshis": 500,
        "bytes": 1000
      "relayFee": {
        "satoshis": 250,
        "bytes": 1000
  "callbacks": [
      "ipAddress": "123.456.789.123"
  "policies": {
    "skipscriptflags": [
    "maxtxsizepolicy": 99999,
    "datacarriersize": 100000,
    "maxscriptsizepolicy": 100000,
    "maxscriptnumlengthpolicy": 100000,
    "maxstackmemoryusagepolicy": 10000000,
    "limitancestorcount": 1000,
    "limitcpfpgroupmemberscount": 10,
    "acceptnonstdoutputs": true,
    "datacarrier": true,
    "maxstdtxvalidationduration": 99,
    "maxnonstdtxvalidationduration": 100,
    "minconsolidationfactor": 10,
    "maxconsolidationinputscriptsize": 100,
    "minconfconsolidationinput": 10,
    "acceptnonstdconsolidationinput": false

Note: BSV Node v1.0.11 does not support "dustlimitfactor" and "dustrelayfee" policies, so they should not have been configured and will not be contained within the response

field function
apiVersion version of the merchant API specification used
timestamp timestamp of the payload document
expiryTime expiry time of quote
minerId minerID / public key of miner or null
currentHighestBlockHash hash of the current blockchain tip
currentHighestBlockHeight height of the current blockchain tip
fees fees charged by the miner (see feeSpec BRFC)
callbacks IP addresses of double-spend notification servers such as mAPI reference implementation
policies values of miner policies as configured by the mAPI reference implementation administrator (examples above)

2. Get fee quote


This endpoint is used to get the different fees quoted by a miner. It returns a JSONEnvelope with a payload that contains the fees charged by a specific BSV miner. The purpose of the envelope is to ensure strict consistency in the message content for the purpose of signing responses. This is a subset of the policy quote service.


GET /mapi/feeQuote


HTTP response codes include:

code meaning description
200 Ok has the following JSON body
404 Not found fee quote unavailable
  "payload": "{see below}",
  "signature": "3044022073df67507d4165b2973553c25bd8764891adb46990736bf62ec9ec732b05312e02203b49e9a5b080bdd1e8037032227c6a9f91266bf722337e8f930ff8f96b3b667d",
  "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "mimetype": "application/json"

The field definitions are the same as policy quote, above.

Expanded Payload:
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-04T10:24:20.9876978Z",
  "expiryTime": "2022-11-04T10:34:20.9876978Z",
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "currentHighestBlockHash": "0de6608a75807ac1e2320851a355e4a804731d3c48478a527777da67bb1543ab",
  "currentHighestBlockHeight": 151,
  "fees": [
      "feeType": "standard",
      "miningFee": {
        "satoshis": 500,
        "bytes": 1000
      "relayFee": {
        "satoshis": 250,
        "bytes": 1000
      "feeType": "data",
      "miningFee": {
        "satoshis": 500,
        "bytes": 1000
      "relayFee": {
        "satoshis": 250,
        "bytes": 1000
  "callbacks": [
      "ipAddress": "123.456.789.123"

The field definitions are the same as policy quote, above.

3. Submit transaction


This endpoint is used to send a raw transaction to a miner for inclusion in the next block that the miner creates. It returns a JSONEnvelope with a payload that contains the response to the transaction submission. The purpose of the envelope is to ensure strict consistency in the message content for the purpose of signing responses.


POST /mapi/tx
JSON Body:

Set Content-Type to application/json:

  "rawtx": "[transaction_hex_string]",
  "callbackUrl": "https://your.service.callback/endpoint",
  "callbackToken": "<channel token>",
  "merkleProof": true,
  "merkleFormat": "TSC",
  "dsCheck": true,
  "callbackEncryption": "<parameter>"
Binary Data

Set Content-Type to application/octet-stream.

Submit the transaction with the binary serialized transaction in the request body. You can specify the fields in the query string.

For large transactions, binary is half the size of the hexadecimal equivalent although this gain is largely minimized through the use of gzip encoding of the hex data.

field function
rawtx Hex encoded transaction
callbackUrl HTTP(S) endpoint used to receive messages from the miner
callbackToken HTTP authorization header used when authenticating against callbackUrl
merkleProof used to request a Merkle proof
merkleFormat (optional) returns TSC compliant Merkle proof format if set to "TSC"
dsCheck used to request double spend notification
callbackEncryption (optional) parameter to encrypt callback data

Note: In mAPI 1.4.0, the supported encryption method is libsodium sealed_box which is an anonymous (you can not identify the sender) public key encryption with integrity check (for more details see: https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/public-key_cryptography/sealed_boxes)

The format of the callbackEncryption parameter is:

libsodium sealed_box <base64 encoded encryption key>


HTTP response codes include:

code meaning description
200 Ok has the following JSON body
4xx Client error recoverable - correct the error (such as unauthorized) and resubmit the transaction
500 Server error node is reset or safe mode is triggered
503 Server error node is unreachable
5xx Server error possibly recoverable – retry later

There is a small possibility that under exceptional circumstances no response will be forthcoming.

For this reason, the merchant may wish to keep a record of all transactions submitted, and if no response is obtained within an acceptable timescale, the transaction may be resubmitted.

  "payload": "{see below}",
  "signature": "304402201ced51b2b7043b8c4dbda6d161f4946638dc4544ab6e7b50d1aae5286d246102022046d2ae28ed6b3ac1e76e535b284053ef3676fd847386acfbfa69c25cd4ad9c42",
  "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "mimetype": "application/json"

The fields are specified above.

Expanded Payload:
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-04T11:15:05.3509086Z",
  "txid": "a5e22349ea116a2625f0efe94c827edf0144a18ca6293cb76996f86502b45854",
  "returnResult": "success",
  "resultDescription": "",
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "currentHighestBlockHash": "1c748a050a366a7526d62fb9bba21145a8ba4d2e9b35facada6bf433cae57195",
  "currentHighestBlockHeight": 151,
  "txSecondMempoolExpiry": 0,
  "warnings": [],
  "failureRetryable": false
field function
txid transaction ID
returnResult will contain either success or failure
resultDescription will contain the error on failure or empty on success
txSecondMempoolExpiry duration (minutes) Tx will be kept in the secondary mempool
warnings any DSNT protocol warnings provided by the system
failureRetryable if true indicates that the transaction may be resubmitted later
conflictedWith list of double spend transactions

If returnResult is failure and failureRetryable is true, node probably has a temporary issue with the transaction. Retry or change the inputs and submit the new transaction.

If a double spend notification or Merkle proof is requested in Submit transaction, the Merkle proof or double spend notification will be sent to the specified callbackUrl. Where recipients are using SPV Channels, this would require the recipient to have a channel set up and ready to receive messages. See Callback Notifications for details.

Callback Reason

There is an option for the miner to provide a callback reason using {callbackReason} to enable client applications to determine what type of callback is returned, for example, Merkle proof or double spend.


  "rawtx": "0100000001146124b21b5f47c0f73f2e6f3330ec16767fbe1b2a7d7e59910dafa373f20cc4010000006a473044022004518512354059aa97a59e371b03b5279a4d893d6db674e7c9228ccdd0e98bd8022032fb064e2324100fb0a7bfa23a66f62ce23b751b1babc58f1f827e2c26e6f10c4121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff0198929800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000", 
  "merkleProof": true, 
  "merkleFormat": "TSC", 
  "dsCheck": true, 
  "callbackUrl" : "https://your-server/api/v1/channel/533", 
  "callbackToken": "CNaecHA44nGNJCvvccx3TSxwb4F490574knnkf44S19W6cNmbumVa6k3ESQw"


An example TSC compliant Merkle proof callback, which will be sent to https://your-server/api/v1/channel/533/merkleProof:

  "callbackPayload": {
    "index": 1,
    "txOrId": "0ad8f51caafee78f59faeff5dfe15d84da5e4069f64353590cd523c0d24a4287",
    "targetType": "header",
    "target": "00000020e0b910e459b3547178c7bdde08e8cca07e12c79c3f78338ba540a20a1dfcb14a24778a76dc738a580df230c34db78fab25e25b6b6fe55e460b1245529583d53781ab6863ffff7f2002000000",
    "nodes": [
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-07T06:53:31.9199309Z",
  "blockHash": "33e3843a642788586cc28cb9748e150335e4365d73eff6d4e9c63a4bda629070",
  "blockHeight": 153,
  "callbackTxId": "0ad8f51caafee78f59faeff5dfe15d84da5e4069f64353590cd523c0d24a4287",
  "callbackReason": "merkleProof"

4. Query transaction status


This endpoint is used to check the current status of a previously submitted transaction. It returns a JSONEnvelope with a payload that contains the transaction status. The purpose of the envelope is to ensure strict consistency in the message content for the purpose of signing responses.


GET /mapi/tx/{txid}?merkleProof=bool&merkleFormat=TSC
parameter description
txid hex encoded transaction ID
merkleProof optional specifying whether any available Merkle proof should be provided – default is false
merkleFormat optional specifying the format of any Merkle proof returned – default is the recommended TSC


HTTP response codes include:

code meaning description
200 Ok has the following JSON body
400 Bad Request invalid transaction ID

An example response with TSC compliant Merkle proof requested:

  "payload": "{see below}",
  "signature": "3044022032ae5d570925bf9ba232fe54adc34f4794d5175132cac1e800d57b5ddfc10533022042ecc728c73a51dc3742a811de0f3ee7c1416877b6e0327703547e95f0f3ab3f",
  "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "mimetype": "application/json"

The fields are specified above.

Expanded Payload:
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-04T11:15:05.4765751Z",
  "txid": "a5e22349ea116a2625f0efe94c827edf0144a18ca6293cb76996f86502b45854",
  "returnResult": "success",
  "blockHash": "1e22f9ffbb2dd74404f72b9e8d9699552c0579d30a393527670450e84ab378a9",
  "blockHeight": 152,
  "confirmations": 1,
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "txSecondMempoolExpiry": 0,
  "merkleProof": {
    "index": 1,
    "txOrId": "a5e22349ea116a2625f0efe94c827edf0144a18ca6293cb76996f86502b45854",
    "targetType": "header",
    "target": "000000209571e5ca33f46bdacafa359b2e4dbaa84511a2bbb92fd626756a360a058a741c221a119911da40faccc8005f93b2c696a383f76303d8d39b82668bb8b8fc71f453f46463ffff7f2000000000",
    "nodes": [

The Merkle proof is provided and is compliant with the TSC Specification.

Alternative Response:

    "payload": "{see below}",
    "signature": "3044022072400cf95d26d7de612745168ac96f0c64caa499630e3a9dba49d951b433bc880220504a50d20dc051f2950df22ea0f4ba96f38461e827ab8a129865f2bfb8f94dc0",
    "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "mimetype": "application/json"

The fields are specified above.

Expanded Payload:
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-04T11:15:05.4941355Z",
  "txid": "a5e22349ea116a2625f0efe94c827edf0144a18ca6293cb76996f86502b45854",
  "returnResult": "success",
  "blockHash": "1e22f9ffbb2dd74404f72b9e8d9699552c0579d30a393527670450e84ab378a9",
  "blockHeight": 152,
  "confirmations": 1,
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "txSecondMempoolExpiry": 0
field function
blockHash hash of tx block
blockHeight height of tx block
confirmations number of block confirmations

5. Submit multiple transactions


This endpoint is used to send multiple raw transactions to a miner for inclusion in the next block that the miner creates. It returns a JSONEnvelope with a payload that contains the responses to the transaction submissions. The purpose of the envelope is to ensure strict consistency in the message content for the purpose of signing responses.


POST /mapi/txs
JSON Body:

Where Content-Type is application/json.

        "a transaction as above"
        "any number of additional transactions"

You can also omit callbackUrl, callbackToken, merkleProof,merkleFormat and dsCheck from the request body and provide the default values in the query string.


HTTP response codes include:

code meaning description
200 Ok has the following JSON body
400 Bad Request invalid request
  "payload": "{see below}",
  "signature": "304402207fee9b97fcbc6783848ce266d27d9454ac02e963d431b46eb6c9de8da308f9a402203dfed83378d136665a5a7ced1147fd7ba3dd59040b354aa5fb307c5fab484ab9",
  "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "mimetype": "application/json"

The fields are specified above.

Expanded Payload:
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-04T11:36:51.6458429Z",
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "currentHighestBlockHash": "3ebda38de3d491626bd2e971d0b0c4fb013a50db4e726e07d95d4c4101f9f351",
  "currentHighestBlockHeight": 151,
  "txSecondMempoolExpiry": 0,
  "txs": [
      "txid": "7fb40b4c18ca267aa5ab3a042ef8608c1f90e73ff171ce876c2d2242ed79c65d",
      "returnResult": "failure",
      "resultDescription": "Missing inputs",
      "failureRetryable": false
      "txid": "9bb85570cc2117aa6ddbf36c88e4111a5d5af7a454f39fda957f295f110a9908",
      "returnResult": "failure",
      "resultDescription": "18 txn-double-spend-detected",
      "failureRetryable": false,
      "conflictedWith": [
          "txid": "da8b5b87a013fcf86d830541ccb6e96bea10727e6f4cc19c388f37b116623af6",
          "size": 191,
          "hex": "0100000001de83b214c2403e126ba8641417f28166faf09d349de4b0dc1afd9d4c06d9458a000000006a473044022066ee22d714cfcda6497243fb281b88688a69b294a9fe09bfbdba7f8a1c80d850022073878eae7c775cb29dc1162a56bce173e6c31cc227f692f49176c42dbfa523654121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff0198929800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000"
      "txid": "da8b5b87a013fcf86d830541ccb6e96bea10727e6f4cc19c388f37b116623af6",
      "returnResult": "success",
      "resultDescription": "",
      "warnings": [],
      "failureRetryable": false
  "failureCount": 2
field function
txs list of transaction responses
failureCount number of failed transaction submissions

To submit a transaction in binary format use Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Type: application/octet-stream with the binary serialized transactions in the request body. Use query string to specify the remaining parameters.

Double Spend Attempts

It is possible that more than one transaction in the batch attempts to spend the same input from the batch. This is a double-spend attempt. mAPI does not attempt to detect this, instead the transactions are passed to the BSV Node which will detect the double spend attempt and reject one or more transactions, in a similar manner to the response shown above. This will also happen when the inputs are a double-spend attempt from earlier transactions i.e. not just in the same batch of transactions.

5. Query transaction outputs


This endpoint is used to check the status of transaction outputs. This could be because an interested party wants to know their value, or some other information.

The user may elect to search just the blockchain, or the blockchain and the mempool, for the transaction. The user may also elect to only return some information fields, or all information fields.

Multiple outputs may be queried in each request.

It returns a JSONEnvelope with a payload that contains the transaction status. The purpose of the envelope is to ensure strict consistency in the message content for the purpose of signing responses.


POST /mapi/txouts?includeMempool=bool&returnField=confirmations&returnField=value
parameter description
includeMempool optional “search mempool” flag, in addition to always searching the blockchain – default is true
returnField Optional return named field specifier. Any number of these parameters may be specified in the command. Possible field names are: scriptPubKey, scriptPubKeyLen, value, isStandard and confirmations. The default is all fields
JSON Body:
    { "txid": "<transaction-id>", "n": 0 },
    Et cetera
field function
txid transaction ID of the transaction in question
n index of the output in the transaction

Example Request:

POST /mapi/txouts?includeMempool=false
    { "txid": "0bc1733f05aae146c3641fd...57f60f19a430ffe867020619d54800", "n": 0 },
    { "txid": "d013adf525ed5feaffc6e9d...40566470181f099f1560343cdcfd00", "n": 0 },
    { "txid": "d013adf525ed5feaffc6e9d...40566470181f099f1560343cdcfd00", "n": 1 }

Example Response:

  "payload": "{see below}",
  "signature": "3044022070fe38f31e960d1116dab5d077b2f2a1c4ab1357bf8ba09dd5177df98bb0a86c02202eba4c49c3dabcba1d4ca6b5db5b355704819f99d0406856e33f8d221d8ae3d4",
  "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "mimetype": "application/json"
Expanded Payload:
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-04T09:44:29.7095472Z",
  "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "returnResult": "success",
  "txouts": [
      "scriptPubKeyLen": 25,
      "confirmations": 1
      "error": "spent",
      "collidedWith": {
        "txid": "40577399c21b680c28b03d0d0c8ae6330539c9ff538955a25ff0bd0b53aa9136",
        "size": 191,
        "hex": "010000000175d5ae40a19cc2eeb9d6d2939ee0f2769f79376969d9547df521f19f1266fc06000000006a473044022003ae93c8b0bebf06ee66d1d82a9dd24f5d540a507b35707b1494152e225e216102200578d481aaa36a0d14697eb1bf2dfce62ddb2725c20ab6da0a2bea05616fe03e4121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff01b08e9800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000"
      "scriptPubKeyLen": 25,
      "confirmations": 0
      "error": "missing"

In this example, the “txouts” array aligns with the input transaction requests. The first entry shows all the fields requested about the transaction output. The second entry shows that the txid collided with a different txid. The third entry shows all the fields requested about the transaction output. The fourth entry shows that the transaction output is “missing”. This is either because the transaction output has not reached the blockchain, or because it has been spent.

Callback Notifications

Merchants can request callbacks for Merkle proofs and/or double spend notifications in Submit transaction.

The tool that builds the transaction, can build a special double-spend notification output according to the DSNT specification. A DSNT server must be used to communicate with node. The mAPI reference implementation is a DSNT server, so the IP address of that can be used in the DSNT transaction output. That information is made available in response to a GET policy quote command (above).

This will allow node to invoke the mAPI reference implmentation if a double spend is detected. That, in turn, will cause a callback to any callbackUrl supplied in submit transaction (above).

callback data flow

Double Spend example:

POST /mapi/tx


Request Body:

    "rawtx": "0100000001106d69baf775bf023e98c713b78d8df44a07ab06c2e38598e52b223cef4d71f4010000006a47304402200254591bed254f9022eb8b119bebc2e79017d413fa1d1a05f4b6b7d101363a3c022040390ae692b83a852d61c062d93ee584354f61cd0ea8b930a8108b6d4e4217204121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff0298929800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac000000000000000010006a0464736e740801017f000001010000000000",
    "callbackUrl": "https://your-server/api/v1/channel/533",
    "callbackToken": "CNaecHA44nGNJCvvccx3TSxwb4F490574knnkf44S19W6cNmbumVa6k3ESQw",
    "merkleProof": false,
    "merkleFormat": "",
    "dsCheck": true


  "payload": "{
    "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
    "timestamp": "2022-11-07T07:05:37.9417712Z",
    "txid": "8bd5ce05e88761060d86a8ad17dd523b1e0031b922c6890f2c09204286f694d3",
    "returnResult": "success",
    "resultDescription": "",
    "minerId": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
    "currentHighestBlockHash": "2132371c818dfd45f0ff34e74c30ca80ea9054d02f43d5cbc8177c548acd5e1a",
    "currentHighestBlockHeight": 151,
    "txSecondMempoolExpiry": 0,
    "failureRetryable": false
  "signature": "3044022076a40fcbb4348e86e99c2703cc5dc4842ca1170b0cb3c3ad98d7d52abe32d46f022029556cf236d224ff513c2c926db2b0312b13885e88416bb46894da45b1e51350",
  "publicKey": "030d1fe5c1b560efe196ba40540ce9017c20daa9504c4c4cec6184fc702d9f274e",
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "mimetype": "application/json"

Merkle proof callback can be requested by specifying:

  "merkleProof": true,
  "merkleFormat": "TSC"

If the optional merkleFormat is set to "TSC" then a TSC compliant version of the merkle proof is returned.

If callback was requested on Submit transaction, the merchant will receive a notification of doublespend and/or merkle proof via the callback URL. mAPI processes all requested notifications and sends them out in batches. Callbacks have these possible callbackReasons: "doubleSpend", "doubleSpendAttempt" and "merkleProof". DoubleSpendAttempt implies that a double spend was detected in the mempool.

Double spend callback example:

  "callbackPayload": {
    "doubleSpendTxId": "7dddd41d4f1443bd02490ffbcadc746e47db320e8cd7f434fb1e6c2d6676fb5f",
    "payload": "0100000001106d69baf775bf023e98c713b78d8df44a07ab06c2e38598e52b223cef4d71f4010000006a47304402205bb1b0f4989940fb532e61b7bfc531a8b0a9b76e520c7d5048c3202cb90984d102202cb77d7e03cb68e0d306db330e90b548d3f0cf705cf237d918bdbea7c351ddc94121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff018c949800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000"
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-07T07:05:39.6319722Z",
  "blockHash": "45eb0406bc8ff14c0cf90af391a3d3a22e22ea948c32d50e81f1a4dc2cf1d7cf",
  "blockHeight": 152,
  "callbackTxId": "8bd5ce05e88761060d86a8ad17dd523b1e0031b922c6890f2c09204286f694d3",
  "callbackReason": "doubleSpend"
field function
callbackPayload payload with information about the new transaction
blockHash hash of tx block
blockHeight height of tx block
callbackTxId tx with requested dsCheck
callbackReason the reason for the callback

Double spend attempt callback example:

  "callbackPayload": {
    "doubleSpendTxId": "7dddd41d4f1443bd02490ffbcadc746e47db320e8cd7f434fb1e6c2d6676fb5f",
    "payload": "0100000001106d69baf775bf023e98c713b78d8df44a07ab06c2e38598e52b223cef4d71f4010000006a47304402205bb1b0f4989940fb532e61b7bfc531a8b0a9b76e520c7d5048c3202cb90984d102202cb77d7e03cb68e0d306db330e90b548d3f0cf705cf237d918bdbea7c351ddc94121027ae06a5b3fe1de495fa9d4e738e48810b8b06fa6c959a5305426f78f42b48f8cffffffff018c949800000000001976a91482932cf55b847ffa52832d2bbec2838f658f226788ac00000000"
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-07T07:05:38.04574Z",
  "blockHash": "",
  "blockHeight": -1,
  "callbackTxId": "8bd5ce05e88761060d86a8ad17dd523b1e0031b922c6890f2c09204286f694d3",
  "callbackReason": "doubleSpendAttempt"

Merkle proof callback example:

  "callbackPayload": {
    "flags": 2,
    "index": 1,
    "txOrId": "0ad8f51caafee78f59faeff5dfe15d84da5e4069f64353590cd523c0d24a4287",
    "target": {
      "hash": "33e3843a642788586cc28cb9748e150335e4365d73eff6d4e9c63a4bda629070",
      "confirmations": 1,
      "height": 153,
      "version": 536870912,
      "versionHex": "20000000",
      "merkleroot": "37d583955245120b465ee56f6b5be225ab8fb74dc330f20d588a73dc768a7724",
      "num_tx": 2,
      "time": 1667804033,
      "mediantime": 1667804032,
      "nonce": 2,
      "bits": "207fffff",
      "difficulty": 4.656542373906925E-10,
      "chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000134",
      "previousblockhash": "4ab1fc1d0aa240a58b33783f9cc7127ea0cce808debdc7787154b359e410b9e0"
    "nodes": [
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-07T06:53:31.9136093Z",
  "blockHash": "33e3843a642788586cc28cb9748e150335e4365d73eff6d4e9c63a4bda629070",
  "blockHeight": 153,
  "callbackTxId": "0ad8f51caafee78f59faeff5dfe15d84da5e4069f64353590cd523c0d24a4287",
  "callbackReason": "merkleProof"

TSC Merkle proof callback example:

  "callbackPayload": {
    "index": 1,
    "txOrId": "0ad8f51caafee78f59faeff5dfe15d84da5e4069f64353590cd523c0d24a4287",
    "targetType": "header",
    "target": "00000020e0b910e459b3547178c7bdde08e8cca07e12c79c3f78338ba540a20a1dfcb14a24778a76dc738a580df230c34db78fab25e25b6b6fe55e460b1245529583d53781ab6863ffff7f2002000000",
    "nodes": [
  "apiVersion": "1.5.0",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-07T06:53:31.9199309Z",
  "blockHash": "33e3843a642788586cc28cb9748e150335e4365d73eff6d4e9c63a4bda629070",
  "blockHeight": 153,
  "callbackTxId": "0ad8f51caafee78f59faeff5dfe15d84da5e4069f64353590cd523c0d24a4287",
  "callbackReason": "merkleProof"
