
Merchant API reference implementation

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

mAPI Reference Implementation

Readme v.1.5.0.

The details of the BRFC mAPI Specification are available in BRFC mAPI Specification.

The golang (v1.1) implementation is no longer being maintained and has been moved to the golang-v1.1 branch.

Swagger UI

The REST API can also be seen in the Swagger UI.


For support and general discussion of both the mAPI standard and the mAPI Reference Implementation, please join the following telegram group.


mAPI Reference Implementation requires access to Bitcoin SV node version 1.0.10 or newer. See Managing nodes for details how to connect to a bitcoin node.

For running in production, use Docker. Docker images can be downloaded from docker hub, or created as part of the build. See Deploying docker images for details on how to run them.

A SSL server certificate is required for installation. You can obtain the certificate from your IT support team. There are also services that issue free SSL certificates, such as letsencrypt.org. The certificate must be issued for the host with a fully qualified domain name. To use the server side certificate, you need to export it (including its corresponding private key) in PFX file format (*.pfx).

For setting up a development environment, optionally using Prometheus (a monitoring system & time series database) and Grafana (an open observability platform) see development.


mAPI Reference Implementation v1.5.0 implements mAPI Specification v1.5.0, which provides additional features for querying transaction data.

mAPI Reference Implementation has greatly improved resilience against adversities.

Submit transactions

mAPI Reference Implementation records submitted transactions and monitors nodes’ mempool, so that if node fails after it has received a transaction, mAPI Reference Implementation resubmits the transaction on behalf of the user, where available.

If mAPI Reference Implementation resubmits a transaction or submits a transaction that has already been mined, and node returns an error such as TransactionAlreadyKnown, then mAPI Reference Implementation maps that into a successful result for the user.

If mAPI Reference Implementation gets mixed results from multiple nodes, it maps that into a successful result for the user.

If mAPI Reference Implementation returns a HTTP code 4xx (such as invalid input) then the user has an opportunity to fix the error and resubmit the transaction.

If mAPI Reference Implementation returns a HTTP code 5xx, then the user can try again later.

An indication that the transaction may be resubmitted is given by the submit transaction response payload failureRetryable flag.

Where appropriate, warnings are given for non-existent DSNT transaction outputs. See DSNT specification.

Query transactions

mAPI Reference Implementation enables the user to obtain the Merkle proof for a transaction by querying it.

Query transaction outputs

mAPI Reference Implementation enables the user to query various attributes of transaction outputs.

REST API Interfaces

The mAPI Reference Implementation exposes different REST API interfaces:

  • a public interface for submitting and querying transactions
  • an administrator interface for managing connections to bitcoin nodes and policy quotes

It also provides a JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Manager to enable authenticated users to obtain special policy rates.

Public Interface

The public interface can be used to submit transactions and query transaction status. It is accessible to both authenticated and unauthenticated users, but authenticated users might get special fee rates.

The endpoints are implemented in accordance with the BRFC mAPI Specification and are summarised below.

The possibility of using JWT means that each REST command may additionally respond with HTTP code 401, Unauthorized if any supplied JWT token is invalid.

Note: Any /mapi/ REST call will return 5xx if node is unresponsive or the database is down.

1. Get Policy Quote

GET /mapi/policyQuote

Responds with a policy quotation. This is a superset of the fee quotation (below).

Special Policy Quotes

The administrator may wish to offer special policy quotes to specific customers. The mAPI Reference Implementation supports JWT issued to authenticated users. The authenticated users include the JWT in their HTTP header and, as a result, receive special policy quotes.

If no JWT is supplied, then the call is anonymous (unauthenticated), and the default policy quote is supplied. If a JWT (created by the mAPI JWT Manager user or other JWT provider) is supplied, then the caller will receive the corresponding special policy quote. For this version of the mAPI Reference Implementation, the JWT must be created by the JWT manager and issued to the customer manually.

Special Policy Quote Example
$ curl -H "Authorization:Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOiIyMDIwLTEwLTE0VDExOjQ0OjA3LjEyOTAwOCswMTowMCIsIm5hbWUiOiJsb3cifQ.LV8kz02bwxZ21qgqCvmgWfbGZCtdSo9px47wQ3_6Zrk" localhost:5051/mapi/policyQuote

2. Get Fee Quote

GET /mapi/feeQuote

Responds with a fee quotation. This is a subset of the policy quotation (above).

3. Submit Transaction

POST /mapi/tx

Example JSON Request body

The body may also be binary.

  "rawtx": "[transaction_hex_string]",
  "callbackUrl": "https://your.service.callback/endpoint",
  "callbackToken": "Authorization: <your_authorization_header>",
  "merkleProof": true,
  "merkleFormat": "TSC",
  "dsCheck": true

Users may either poll the status of the transactions they have submitted, or employ the callback mechanism. Double spend and Merkle proof notifications will be sent to the callbackURL if supplied. Where recipients are using SPV Channels, this requires the channel to be set up and ready to receive messages.

Response Timeout

There is a small possibility that no response will be forthcoming due to exceptional circumstances such as the node being reset.

Therefore the user may wish to keep a record of all transactions submitted, and if no response is obtained within an acceptable timescale (several seconds), the transaction may be resubmitted.

Special Authenticated Users

A JWT may be supplied as above, in order to authenticate the user and cause the associated special policy quote to be applied in computation of the Submit Transaction cost.

In the advent of node failing during transaction submission, authenticated users' transaction and policy quote data is available to enable resubmission of the same transaction by the same user.

4. Query Transaction Status

GET /mapi/tx/{txid}?merkleProof=Boolean&merkleFormat=TSC

Responds with the status of the transaction with optional Merkle proof information.

5. Submit Multiple Transactions

POST /mapi/txs

This is similar to Submit Transaction, but an array of transactions may be sent.

6. Query Transaction Outputs

POST /mapi/txouts?includeMempool=Boolean&returnField=confirmations

Example JSON Request body

    { "txid": "0bc1733f05aae146c3641fd...57f60f19a430ffe867020619d54800", "n": 0 },
    { "txid": "d013adf525ed5feaffc6e9d...40566470181f099f1560343cdcfd00", "n": 0 },
    { "txid": "d013adf525ed5feaffc6e9d...40566470181f099f1560343cdcfd00", "n": 1 }

Administrator Interface

The Administrator Interface of the mAPI Reference Implementation manages policy quotes, nodes and special policy fee rates for the Public API.

These services are only available to the administrator. Authentication is performed through the Api-Key HTTP header. The value provided must match the one stored in the configuration variable RestAdminAPIKey.

Note: Any /api/v1/ REST call will return 5xx if the database is down.

Managing Policy Quotes

Policy Quotes may be specified for the unauthenticated users, or specific authenticated users.

Create Policy Quote

To create a new policy quote use the following:

POST api/v1/PolicyQuote

Example with curl - add a policyQuote valid from 01/10/2022 for unauthenticated (anonymous) users (where identity is null):

$ curl -H "Api-Key: [RestAdminAPIKey]" \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -X POST https://localhost:5051/api/v1/PolicyQuote \
       -d "{ \"validFrom\": \"2022-10-01T12:00:00\", \
            \"identity\": null, \"identityProvider\": null, \
            \"fees\": [ \
              { \
                \"feeType\": \"standard\", \
                  \"miningFee\": { \"satoshis\": 100, \"bytes\": 200 }, \
                  \"relayFee\": { \"satoshis\": 100, \"bytes\": 200 } }, \
               { \"feeType\": \"data\", \
                  \"miningFee\": { \"satoshis\": 100, \"bytes\": 200 }, \
                  \"relayFee\": { \"satoshis\": 100, \"bytes\": 200 } \
              }], \
            \"policies\": { \
                \"skipscriptflags\": [\"MINIMALDATA\", \"DERSIG\", \
                  \"NULLDUMMY\", \"CLEANSTACK\"], \
                \"maxtxsizepolicy\": 99999, \
                \"datacarriersize\": 100000, \
                \"maxscriptsizepolicy\": 100000, \
                \"maxscriptnumlengthpolicy\": 100000, \
                \"maxstackmemoryusagepolicy\": 10000000, \
                \"limitancestorcount\": 1000, \
                \"limitcpfpgroupmemberscount\": 10, \
                \"acceptnonstdoutputs\": true, \
                \"datacarrier\": true, \
                \"maxstdtxvalidationduration\": 99, \
                \"maxnonstdtxvalidationduration\": 100 \
            } \

Note: BSV Node v1.0.11 onwards no longer support "dustrelayfee" and "dustlimitfactor" policies and they must not be set. Doing so will cause an error when the user submits a transaction.

The parameters above are:

Parameter Description
validFrom the timestamp from when the policy is valid. Only one policy should be valid for each identity (or the anonymous user) at any one time
identity the identity of the user, or null for the anonymous user
identityProvider the identity of the JWT authority, or null for the anonymous user
fees fees charged by the miner (see feeSpec BRFC)
callbacks IP addresses of DSNT servers (see specification) such as this mAPI reference implementation
policies values of miner policies as configured by the administrator (below)

Get All Policy Quotes

To get a list of all policy quotes matching one or more criteria, use the following:

GET api/v1/PolicyQuote

You can filter fee quotes by providing additional optional criteria in the query string:

  • identity - returns only fee quotes for users that authenticate with a JWT token that was issued to the specified identity
  • identityProvider - returns only fee quotes for users that authenticate with a JWT token that was issued by the specified token authority
  • anonymous - specify true to return only fee quotes for anonymous (unauthenticated) users
  • current - specify true to return only fee quotes that are currently valid
  • valid - specify true to return only fee quotes that are valid within QUOTE_EXPIRY_MINUTES (configured in the .env file)

To get a list of all policy quotes (including expired ones) for all users use GET api/v1/PolicyQuote without filters.

Get a Policy Quote

To get a specific policy quote by identity use:

GET api/v1/PolicyQuote/{identity}

Note: it is not possible to delete or update a policy quote once it is published, but it can be made obsolete by publishing a new policy quote.

Get Unconfirmed Transactions

Administrators can get the list of transactions that were sent to node but are not marked as accepted in the database with a given policyQuoteId {id} or a given identity {identity} for authenticated users or a given identityProvider {IDP} use:

GET api/v1/unconfirmedTxs?policyQuoteId={PQID}&identity={ID}&identityProvider={IDP}

At least one parameter must be supplied. The others are optional.

If no policies match the request, the response is HTTP code 400 “BadRequest”.

Delete Unconfirmed Transactions

Administrators can delete the list of transactions that were sent to node but are not marked as accepted in the database with a given policyQuoteId {id} or a given identity {identity} for authenticated users or a given identityProvider {IDP} use:

DELETE api/v1/unconfirmedTxs?policyQuoteId={PQID}&identity={ID}&identityProvider={IDP}

At least one parameter must be supplied. The others are optional.

If no policies match the request, the response is HTTP code 400 “BadRequest”. A successful deletion will result in HTTP code 204 “NoContent”.

Managing Nodes

The reference implementation can communicate with one or more instances of bitcoind nodes.

Each node that is being added to the Merchant API must have zmq notifications enabled (pubhashblock, pubinvalidtx, pubdiscardedfrommempool) as well as invalidtxsink set to ZMQ. When enabling zmq notifications on the node, ensure that the URI that will be used for zmq notification is accessible from the host where the MerchantAPI will be running (WARNING: localhost ( should only be used if bitcoin node and Merchant API are running on same host)

Add Node Connection

To create a new connection to a bitcoind instance use:

POST api/v1/Node

For example, to add a node with curl:

curl -H "Api-Key: [RestAdminAPIKey]" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST https://localhost:5051/api/v1/Node \
     -d "{ \"id\" : \"[host:port]\", \
           \"username\": \"[username]\", \
           \"password\": \"[password]\", \
           \"remarks\": \"[remarks]\", \
           \"zmqNotificationsEndpoint\": \"tcp://a.b.c.d:port\" \

Update Node Connection

To update parameters for an existing bitcoind instance use:

PUT api/v1/Node/{nodeId}

To update a node's fields created with curl, use the authorization Api-Key: [RestAdminAPIKey] and Content-Type: application/json with the following JSON request body:

  "id": "[host:port]",
  "username": "[username]",
  "password": "[newPassword]",
  "remarks": "[remarks]",
  "zmqNotificationsEndpoint": "[zmqNotificationsEndpoint]"

Remove Node Connection

To remove a connection to an existing bitcoind instance, use:

DELETE api/v1/Node/{nodeId}

View Node Connection

To get the list of parameters for a specific node, use:

GET api/v1/Node/{nodeId}

View All Node Connections

To get the list of parameters for all nodes, use:

GET api/v1/Node

NOTE: When returning connection parameters, the password is not returned for security reasons.

View Block Parser Status

To view the status of Block Parser use:

GET api/v1/status/blockparser

Producing an output similar to:

  "blocksProcessed": 136,
  "blocksParsed": 136,
  "lastBlockParseTime": {
    "totalSeconds": 0.0769461,

View Transaction Status

To get information about all submitted transactions use:

GET api/v1/status/tx

Producing an output similar to:

  "request": 123,
  "txAuthenticatedUser": 100,
  "txAnonymousUser": 23,
  "tx": 123,
  "avgBatch": 10,
  "txSentToNode": 123,
  "txAcceptedByNode": 123,
  "txRejectedByNode": 0,
  "txSubmitException": 0,
  "txResponseSuccess": 110,
  "txResponseFailure": 10,
  "txResponseException": 3,
    "Number of requests: 123, all transactions processed: 123 (authenticated: 100, anonymous: 23). \
    Average batch: 10. \
    Transactions sent to node: 123. \
    Accepted by node: 123, rejected by node: 0, submit exceptions: 1. \
    Transaction responses with success: 110, failure: 10 (retryable: 0), processing/exceptions: 3. \
    All missing inputs: 6 (resent: 1, was mined: 2, invalid block: 3)."

View ZMQ Status

To check the status of ZMQ subscriptions use:

GET api/v1/status/zmq

JWT Manager

The reference implementation contains a JWT Manager that can be used to generate and verify validity of the JWTs. The JWT Manager supports symmetric encryption HS256.

JWTs may be supplied by the administrator to users, who can then supply them when they invoke the public interface REST API calls.

The JWT authenticates the user and ensures that a special policy quote is applied.

The following command line options can be specified when generating a JWT:

  -n, --name <name> (REQUIRED)        Unique name of the subject that the token is being issued to
  -d, --days <days> (REQUIRED)        Days the token will be valid for
  -k, --key <key> (REQUIRED)          Shared secret used to sign the token (at least 16 characters)
  -i, --issuer <issuer> (REQUIRED)    Unique issuer of the token (for example the URI identifying the miner)
  -a, --audience <audience>           Intended audience for this JWT [default: merchant_api]

For example, generate the JWT by running this command:

$ TokenManager generate -n specialuser -i http://mysite.com -k thisisadevelopmentkey -d 1000

Valid until UTC: 4. 06. 2023 16:06:29

The following should be used as the authorization header:
Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzcGVjaWFsdXNlciIsIm5iZiI6MTU5OTQ5NDc4OSwiZXhwIjoxNjg1ODk0Nzg5LCJpYXQiOjE1OTk0OTQ3ODksImlzcyI6Imh0dHA6Ly9teXNpdGUuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoibWVyY2hhbnRfYXBpIn0.xbtwEKdbGv1AasXe_QYsmb5sURyrcr-812cX-Ps98Yk

Any authenticated user supplying this JWT will have a special policy quote applied. The special policy quote needs to be configured via the administrator interface as described above.

To validate a JWT, use the validate command:

$ TokenManager validate -k thisisadevelopmentkey -t eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzcGVjaWFsdXNlciIsIm5iZiI6MTU5OTQ5NDc4OSwiZXhwIjoxNjg1ODk0Nzg5LCJpYXQiOjE1OTk0OTQ3ODksImlzcyI6Imh0dHA6Ly9teXNpdGUuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoibWVyY2hhbnRfYXBpIn0.xbtwEKdbGv1AasXe_QYsmb5sURyrcr-812cX-Ps98Yk

Token signature and time constraints are validated. Issuer and audience are not validated.


How Submit Transaction Callbacks are Processed

For each transaction that is submitted to mAPI Reference Implementation it is possible for the submitter to include a DSNT output in the transaction according to the DSNT specification. The submitter may later receive a notification of a double spend or merkle proof via a callback URL that they included with the submit transaction request. mAPI Reference Implementation processes all requested notifications and sends them out as described below:

  • all notifications are sent out in batches
  • each batch contains a limited number of notifications for a single host (configurable with NOTIFICATION_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS_IN_BATCH)
  • the response time for each host is tracked and two separate pools of tasks are used for delivering notifications: One pool for fast hosts and a second pool for slow hosts. (The threshold for slow/fast hosts can be configured with NOTIFICATION_SLOW_HOST_THRESHOLD_MS)
  • when an event is received from the node, an attempt is made to insert a notification into the queue for instant delivery
  • if a callback fails or if the instant delivery queue is full, the notification is scheduled for delivery in the background
  • a background delivery queue is used for periodically processing failed notifications. A single task is used for background delivery

The mAPI Reference Implementation Submit Transaction command enables use of Peer Channels for the message broker. This provides a secure transport mechanism to send messages from the miner to a merchant. Merchants or service providers may use other messaging systems to achieve the same goal.

Download and deploy

Download docker images

Download docker images from here.

Or see below for building an image from this source kit.

Deploying docker images

  1. Create a config folder and save the SSL server certificate file (<certificate_file_name>.pfx) into the config folder. This server certificate is required to set up TLS (SSL).

  2. Copy the .crt files with the root and intermediate CA certificates that issued the SSL server certificates which are used by the callback endpoint. Each certificate must be exported as a Base-64 encoded X.509 file with a .crt extension type. This step is required if the callback endpoint uses SSL server certificates issued by an untrusted CA (such as a self signed certificate).

  3. Create and copy the providers.json file into the config folder. A sample provider.json file is shown below:

      "IdentityProviders": {
        "Providers": [
            "Issuer": "http://mysite.com",
            "Audience": "http://myaudience.com",
            "Algorithm": "HS256",
            "SymmetricSecurityKey": "thisisadevelopmentkey"
    Parameter Description
    Issuer Token issuer
    Audience Token audience
    Algorithm (optional) Signing algorithm allowed for the token (if not set, HS256 will be used)
    SymmetricSecurityKey Symmetric security key that the token should be signed with
  4. Populate all environment variables in the .env file in the target folder:

    Parameter Description
    HTTPSPORT https port where the application will listen/run
    CERTIFICATEPASSWORD Password of the *.pfx file in the config folder
    CERTIFICATEFILENAME <certificate_file_name.pfx>
    RESTADMIN_APIKEY Authorization key for accessing administration interface
    ENABLEHTTP Enables requests through http port when set to True. This should only be used for testing and must be set to False in the production environment in order to maintain security
    HTTPPORT Http port where the application will listen/run. Default: port 80
    RPC_CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC Request timeout for single RPC call (without retries). Must match node's config RpcServerTimeout value. Default: 60 seconds
    RPC_CLIENT_MULTI_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC Request timeout for multi-RPC call (with retries). Default: 20 seconds
    RPC_CLIENT_NUM_OF_RETRIES Maximum number of retries for multi-RPC call. Default: 3
    RPC_CLIENT_WAIT_BETWEEN_RETRIES_MS Wait between multi-RPC calls. Default: 100 milliseconds
    RPC_CLIENT_RPC_CALLS_ON_STARTUP_RETRIES Number of retries for multi-RPC call on start-up. Default: 3
    RPC_CLIENT_RPC_GET_BLOCK_TIMEOUT_MINUTES Request timeout for RPC call GetBlock as stream. Default: 10 minutes
    RPC_CLIENT_RPC_GET_RAW_MEMPOOL_TIMEOUT_MINUTES Request timeout for RPC call GetRawMempool. Default: 2 minutes
    ZMQ_CONNECTION_RPC_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC Timeout for ZMQ subscription service RPC request calls. Default: 5 seconds
    ZMQ_STATS_LOG_PERIOD_MIN Periodically log ZMQ statistics about nodes and subscriptions every n minutes. Default: 10 minutes
    ZMQ_CONNECTION_TEST_INTERVAL_SEC How often the ZMQ subscription service tests that the connection with the node is still alive. Default: 60 seconds
    LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT Log levels 0..6 (Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical, None) defined here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/logging/?view=aspnetcore-6.0#log-level
    LOG_LEVEL_MICROSOFT The log level for the general Microsoft components
    LOG_LEVEL_MICROSOFT_HOSTING_LIFETIME The log level for the Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime component
    LOG_LEVEL_HTTPCLIENT The log level for the System.Net.Http.HttpClient component
    MAX_BLOCK_CHAIN_LENGTH_FOR_FORK Verify block chain and parse blocks up to this limit. Default: 432
    ENABLE_MISSING_PARENTS_RESUBMISSION If true, and a transaction is reported to having missing inputs, then the program will resubmit any missing input transactions it holds. Node must have txindex=1 in bitcoin.conf. Default: false
    RESUBMIT_KNOWN_TRANSACTIONS If true, submitted transactions will be sent to node even if they already exist in the database. Default: false
    WIF_PRIVATEKEY Private key that is used to sign responses (must be omitted if miner ID settings are specified, and vice versa)
    MINERID_SERVER_URL URL pointing to the MinerID REST endpoint
    MINERID_SERVER_ALIAS Alias to be used when communicating with the endpoint
    MINERID_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION HTTP authentication header that will be used to when communicating with the endpoint, this should include the Bearer authentication keyword, for example:Bearer 2b4a73f333b0aa1a1dfb52….421d78e2efe183df9
    MINERID_SERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC REST request timeout for minerId. Default: 100 seconds
    Mempool Checker
    MEMPOOL_CHECKER_DISABLED Disable mempoolChecker service. Default: false
    MEMPOOL_CHECKER_INTERVAL_SEC Interval when mempoolChecker will check and resubmit missing transactions if successful on previous try (errors Missing inputs and Already known are treated as success). Default: 60 (minimum 10)
    MEMPOOL_CHECKER_UNSUCCESSFUL_INTERVAL_SEC Interval when mempoolChecker will check and resubmit transactions if previous try was terminated with an error (timeout, database exception) or not all of them were successfully submitted. Default: 10
    MEMPOOL_CHECKER_BLOCKPARSER_QUEUED_MAX Force submitting of transactions, even if some blocks are not parsed yet. Default:0
    MEMPOOL_CHECKER_MISSING_INPUTS_RETRIES How often transactions with missing inputs should be resubmitted. Default: 5
    Double Spends
    DELTA_BLOCKHEIGHT_FOR_DOUBLESPENDCHECK Number of old blocks that are checked for double spends
    DS_HOST_BAN_TIME_SEC See below
    DS_MAX_NUM_OF_UNKNOWN_QUERIES Maximum number of queries for unknown transaction ids allowed before a host will be banned
    DS_UNKNOWN_TX_QUERY_COOLDOWN_PERIOD_SEC How long unknown transactions queries will be stored, before being discarded
    DS_SCRIPT_VALIDATION_TIMEOUT_SEC Total time for script validation when nodes RPC method verifyScript will be called
    DBCONNECTION_STARTUP_TEST_CONNECTION_MAX_RETRIES On start-up try to connect to mAPI Reference Implementation database for the max specified number of retries. Default: 10
    DBCONNECTION_STARTUP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MINUTES If not null, override command timeout for the start-up database scripts execution - if null, the default command timeout is 30 seconds. Default: null
    DBCONNECTION_OPEN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC Database open connection timeout. Default: 30 seconds
    DBCONNECTION_OPEN_CONNECTION_MAX_RETRIES Database open connection max retries - unless timeout is exceeded. Default: 3
    CLEAN_UP_TX_AFTER_MEMPOOL_EXPIRED_DAYS Number of days mempool transactions and blocks that are not on the active blockchain are kept. Must be the same as node’s config mempoolexpiry. Default: 14 days
    CLEAN_UP_TX_AFTER_DAYS Number of days transactions and blocks that are on the active blockchain are kept in the database. Default: 3 days
    CLEAN_UP_TX_PERIOD_SEC Time period of transactions clean-up check. Default: 1 hour
    NOTIFICATION_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_SEC Period when background service will retry sending notifications with an error
    NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_NOTIFICATION_TASKS Maximum number of concurrent tasks for sending notifications to callback endpoints (must be between 2-100)
    NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_NOTIFICATIONS_QUEUE_SIZE Maximum number of notifications waiting in instant queue before any new notifications will be scheduled for (slower) background delivery
    NOTIFICATION_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS_IN_BATCH Maximum number of notifications per host being processed by delivery task at any one time
    NOTIFICATION_SLOW_HOST_THRESHOLD_MS Callback response time threshold that determines whether host is deemed slow or fast
    NOTIFICATION_NO_OF_SAVED_EXECUTION_TIMES Maximum number of callback response times saved for each host. Used to calculate average response time for a host
    NOTIFICATION_NOTIFICATIONS_RETRY_COUNT Maximum number of retries for failed notifications, before abandoning retries
    NOTIFICATION_SLOW_HOST_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS Callback response timeout for slow host
    NOTIFICATION_FAST_HOST_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS Callback response timeout for fast host
    Policy Quotes
    CALLBACK_IP_ADDRESSES An array of IP addresses, separated by commas, which are sent to the merchant in response to GET PolicyQuote
    QUOTE_EXPIRY_MINUTES Fee quote expiry period
    CHECK_FEE_DISABLED Disable fee check
    Transaction Outputs
    ALLOWED_TXOUT_FIELDS Comma separated field names that may be used in the “returnField” parameter of the Query Transaction Outputs endpoint: scriptPubKey, scriptPubKeyLen, value, isStandard and confirmations

Banning Persistent Hosts

DS_CACHED_TX_REQUESTS_COOLDOWN_PERIOD_SEC is how long the count of requests (queries or submits) for the same transaction id per host is accumulated, before being reset to 0. If the request count for the same transaction Id exceeds DS_MAX_NUM_OF_TX_QUERIES during this period, the host will be banned and removed from the whitelist. The host will have to desist from sending requests for the same transaction id for at least the cool-down period DS_HOST_BAN_TIME_SEC, before it will become acceptable (un-banned) and can successfully try again.

  1. Run this command in the target folder to start the mAPI Reference Implementation application:

    docker-compose up -d

The docker images are automatically pulled from the Docker Hub. Database updates are triggered when the application starts or when tests are run.


Development environment

For development, the following will be needed:

  1. .NET 5.0 installed in your environment
  2. an instance of PostgreSQL database. Download it from here or use a Docker image
  3. access to an instance of a running BSV node with both RPC interface and ZMQ notifications enabled
  4. optional Prometheus and Grafana tools

Building docker images

To run the build script you must have git and docker installed. Get the source code with the git clone command. Build docker images for MerchantAPI App by running this command in the folder src/Deploy/:

On Linux: ./build.sh
On Windows: build.bat

Upon a successful build, a new subfolder src/Deploy/Build is created, where the .env and docker-compose.yml files will be found. The .env file must be edited to enable deployment, as described above.

Set up

Perform the following set up steps:

  1. Update DBConnectionString (the connection string used by mAPI Reference Implementation), DBConnectionStringDDL (the same as DBConnectionString, but with a user that is the owner of the database - it is used to upgrade the database) and DBConnectionStringMaster (the same as DBConnectionString, but with a user that has admin privileges - it is used to create the database) settings in src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Rest/appsettings.Development.json and src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Test.Functional/appsettings.Development.json so that they point to your PostgreSQL server
  2. Update BitcoindFullPath in src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Test.Functional/appsettings.Development.json so that it points to the bitcoind executable used during functional tests
  3. Run scripts from src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway.Database/APIGateway/Database/scripts to create a database

Load docker images

Issue this command in the src/Deploy/Build folder:

docker load -i merchantapiapp.tar


cd src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Rest
dotnet run

Run with Prometheus and Grafana

To run mAPI reference implementation with Prometheus and Grafana issue this command in the src/Deploy/Build folder:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

NOTE: docker-compose-dev.yml will only be created when using the build script in section Building docker images


Run individual tests or run all tests with:

cd src/MerchantAPI/APIGateway/APIGateway.Test.Functional/
dotnet test


Set all the environment variables, as described in Populate all environment variables above.

The following table lists additional configuration connection strings in docker-compose.yml:

Setting Description
ConnectionStrings section
DBConnectionString connection string for CRUD access to PostgreSQL database
DBConnectionStringDDL is the same as DBConnectionString, but with a database owner
DBConnectionStringMaster is the same as DBConnectionString, but with a database owner that has admin privileges (usually postgres)

Configuration with standalone database server

mAPI Reference Implementation can be configured to use a standalone Postgres database instead of mapi-db Docker container by updating the following connection strings in docker-compose.yml:

Setting Description
ConnectionStrings:DBConnectionString connection string to a user who has mapi_crud role granted
ConnectionStrings:DBConnectionStringDDL connection string to a user who has DDL privileges

An additional requirement is the existence of a mapi_crud role.


To execute commands from this example, connect to the database created for mAPI Reference Implementation with admin privileges.

In this example we will create the mapi_crud role and two user roles. One user role (myddluser) has DDL priveleges and the other (mycruduser), has CRUD privileges.

  1. Create pa_crud role
  CREATE ROLE "mapi_crud" WITH
  1. Create a DDL user and make it the owner of the public schema
    PASSWORD 'mypassword'

  ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO myddluser;
  1. Create CRUD user and grant mapi_crud role
  CREATE ROLE mycruduser LOGIN
    PASSWORD 'mypassword'

  GRANT mapi_crud TO mycruduser;

Configuration with Prometheus

Prometheus is configured to run on http://localhost:9080/. Check whether endpoints with metrics are healthy on http://localhost:9080/targets. Observe the mAPI reference implementation operation on http://localhost:9080/graph.

Data is scraped from https://localhost:5051/metrics every 15s. This is where all the metrics that are generated during the execution of MRI are available from. Administrator authentication is performed using the Authorization HTTP header with Bearer [RestAdminAPIKey]. The RestAdminAPIKey value provided must match the one stored in the Prometheus configuration file 'api-key.txt'.

Available metrics include:

Metric Description
Block Parser
merchantapi_blockparser_bestblockheight best block height
merchantapi_blockparser_blockparsed_counter number of parsed blocks
merchantapi_blockparser_blockparsingqueue number of unparsed blocks/blocks in queue for parsing
merchantapi_blockparser_blockparsing_duration_seconds total time spent parsing blocks
Transaction Submissions
merchantapi_mapi_any_bitcoind_responding status 1 if any bitcoind is responding
http_requests_received_total{controller="Mapi",action="SubmitTx"} total number of transactions submitted by client
http_requests_received_total{controller="Mapi",action="SubmitTxs"} total number of batches submitted by client
merchantapi_mapi_tx_authenticated_user_counter total number of transactions submitted by authenticated users
merchantapi_mapi_tx_anonymous_user_counter total number of transactions submitted by anonymous users
merchantapi_mapi_tx_sent_to_node_counter total number of transactions send to node
merchantapi_mapi_tx_accepted_by_node_counter total number of transactions accepted by node
merchantapi_mapi_tx_rejected_by_node_counter total number of transactions rejected by node
merchantapi_mapi_tx_submit_exception_counter total number of transactions with submit exception
merchantapi_mapi_tx_response_success_counter total number of success responses.
merchantapi_mapi_tx_response_failure_counter total number of failure responses
merchantapi_mapi_tx_response_failure_retryable_counter total number of retryable failure responses
merchantapi_mapi_tx_missing_inputs_counter number of sent transactions with missing inputs that were not accepted because of missing inputs
merchantapi_mapi_tx_resent_missing_inputs_counter number of sent transactions with missing inputs that were accepted for which the mAPI had transactions and resubmited those missing inputs
merchantapi_mapi_tx_was_mined_missing_inputs_counter number of sent transactions with missing inputs that were accepted but not sent to the node since they are already mined into the block
merchantapi_mapi_tx_invalid_block_missing_inputs_counter number of sent transactions with missing inputs that were not accepted because they were already mined but into invalid block
merchantapi_rpcmulticlient_gettxouts_duration_seconds total time spent waiting for gettxouts response from node
merchantapi_rpcmulticlient_sendrawtxs_duration_seconds total time spent waiting for sendrawtransactions response from node
http_request_duration_seconds_sum{controller="Mapi",action="SubmitTx"} total response time for client requests - SubmitTx
http_request_duration_seconds_sum{controller="Mapi",action="SubmitTxs"} total response time for client requests - SubmitTxs
http_requests_received_total{code=~"5.."} total number of 5XX errors returned to customer
Transaction Callbacks
merchantapi_notificationshandler_successful_callbacks_counter number of successful callbacks
merchantapi_notificationshandler_failed_callbacks_counter number of failed callbacks
merchantapi_notificationshandler_callback_duration_seconds total duration of callbacks (how long did clients take to respond)
merchantapi_notificationshandler_notification_in_queue queued notifications
merchantapi_notificationshandler_notification_with_error notifications with error that are not queued, but processed separately.
Mempool Checker
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_successful_resubmit_counter number of all successful resubmits
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_unsuccessful_resubmit_counter number of all unsuccessful or interrupted resubmits
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_exceptions_resubmit_counter number of resubmits that interrupted with exception
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_getrawmempool_duration_seconds total time spent waiting for getrawmempool response from node
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_getmissingtransactions_duration_seconds database execution total time for the query which transactions must be resubmitted
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_min_tx_in_mempool minumum number of transactions in mempool per node
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_max_tx_in_mempool maximum number of transactions in mempool per node
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_tx_missing_counter number of missing transactions, that are resent to node
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_tx_response_success_counter number of transactions with success response
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_tx_response_failure_counter number of transactions with failure response
merchantapi_mempoolchecker_tx_missing_inputs_max_counter number of transactions that reached MempoolCheckerMissingInputsRetries

Configuration with Grafana

mAPI reference implementation is configured to use Prometheus on http://host.docker.internal:9080. Check Grafana's datasources on http://localhost:3000/datasources. There are these predefined dashboards: Block parser, Transactions submission, Callbacks and Mempool checker, which can be accessed at http://localhost:3000/dashboards. Note: if running mAPI reference implementation on Windows and localhost is unreachable, try accessing 'host.docker.internal' instead.

Block Parser Dashboard

This dashboard displays statistical data for Block Parser

Transaction Submissions Dashboard

This dashboard displays statistical data for Transaction Submissions

Transaction Callbacks Dashboard

This dashboard displays statistical data for Transaction Callbacks

Mempool Checker Dashboard

This dashboard displays statistical data for Mempool Checker

Default credentials
Username: admin
Password: admin