Community curated list of FHIR related artifacts.
You are welcome to send in a pull request with FHIR work!
See official list of reference libraries here ( or here (fhir wiki)
- Java
- C#
- Client
- UCUM metrics conversion
- Server
- Generator - Early steps
- JavaScript
- Pascal
- Swift
- Ruby
- Python
- Client SMART on FHIR
- FHIR-PY - FHIR client for python
- Go - ?
- Objective-C - ?
- PHP - ?
- C/C++ - ?
- Rust - ?
- Haskel - ?
- Scala - ?
- Kotlin
- Android FHIR SDK - a set of Kotlin libraries for building offline-capable, mobile-first healthcare applications using FHIR on Android.
- Lua
Here is a list of Publicly Available FHIR Servers for testing
- HAPI -HAPI FHIR is a simple-but-powerful library for adding FHIR messaging to your application. It is pure Java (1.6+ compatible), and licensed under the business-friendly Apache Software License, version 2.0.
- MS FHIR server - FHIR Server for Azure is an open-source implementation of the emerging HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) specification designed for the Microsoft cloud.
- Spark - Spark FHIR Server is an open-source C# implementation (.NET Framework 4.6.1+, .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core compatible). Supports DSTU2, STU3 and R4 versions of the specification.
- Node on FHIR - JavaScript Meteor-based stack, with server and application using many of the other available Javascript libraries
- IBM FHIR server - The IBM FHIR Server is a modular Java implementation of version 4
- Aidbox - Advanced FHIR backend built on top of fhirbase
- fhir shorthands - FHIR Shorthand (FSH) is a specially-designed language for defining the content of FHIR Implementation Guides
- igpop YAML (data) DSL for FHIR profiles
SQL on FHIR draft specification.
- BigQuery - Load FHIR data into BigQuery
- PostgreSQL
- Fhirbase is an open source toolkit for storing and working with FHIR data, built on top of PostgreSQL.
- MongoDB
- Spark
- Bunsen - Bunsen lets users load, transform, and analyze FHIR data with Apache Spark
- Hadoop
- Oracle
- Neo4J
The following systems provide support for automated testing of FHIR clients and/or servers, including leveraging the TestScript and TestReport resources:
- [ Crucible] open source testing tools for FHIR
- [ Touchstone] testing FHIR Client or Servers using Test-Driven-Development (TDD)
- Wind.Tunnel - Performance & stress testing for your FHIR server.
- stresty - simple yaml based tests for REST (FHIR) servers
- synthea - Synthetic Patient Population Simulator
- Dockerized synthea - Static contenerized version of Synthea
- FHIR Examples - Examples coming with FHIR distribution
- JUTE - mapping language in js with examples for HL7v2->FHIR transformations
- fhirpath.js - implementation of FHIRPath in javascript - demo
- fhirpath.clj - FHIRPath in clojure
- Health Intersections - Healthcare Interoperability by Grahame Grieve
- Healthcare Exchange Standards
- fhirblog - by David Hay
- niquola - by Nikolai Ryzhikov