
Common lisp tool for DNA data sonification

Primary LanguageCommon LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

License GPL 3 build


Fasta-notes is a Common lisp tool for DNA data sonification it provides several functions for converting Fasta files to SuperCollider patterns.

Export to other computer music enviroments as Pure Data or Max/MSP planned to the future.


project dependencies:

Clone this repo

Clone this repo to you quicklisp/local-projects directory. Ex: git clone https://github.com/bjornmossa/cl-fasta-to-notes.git ~/quicklisp/local-projects

Build binary

With version 1.3.0 it is possible to make a binary. For building go to project directory and run make script cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-fasta-to-notes && make build After build process completed you can run programm in terminal: ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-fasta-to-notes/build/fasta-notes

If there is no permission set permissions for execution with chmod +x PATH_TO_BINARY


With binary

Run programm with: ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-fasta-to-notes/build/fasta-notes

Available commands

load-file - Read and process .fasta file file-info - Show file basic information, organism name, number of codons and nucleotides show-sequence - Show selected codons range as scale degrees and values save-sequence - Save selected codons range as scale degrees and value to file

help - Print the help of all available commands. quit - Quit the application.

You can use TAB for auto complete


With sbcl repl run (ql:quickload :fasta-notes)

Saving DNA data

At first you need to download a .fasta file with dna data. This package works with files from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore for shure. Please, create an issue is you can not load a file.

For all user interruptions use fasta-notes.user package.

(in-package :fasta-notes.user)

For loading file use


And follow instructions.

For getting basic info about loaded file use


If you wand to check a sequence without saving use


Export data

In fasta-notes.user package use


NB: During refactoring to faste-notes.user package LilyPond export NOT working. If you need it, please create an issue or PR using SuperCollider export as example.
