
Backup Any Rclone Remote to Another Using Restic on Fly.io

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Backup Any Rclone Remote to Another Using Restic on Fly.io Topics

Table of Contents


Use Fly.io to periodically backup one Rclone provider to another using Restic.

Getting Started

Making an Account on Fly.io

If you haven't already, you'll need to sign up for Fly and install the flyctl application by heading over to fly.io. After you've completed Step 3 you may come back to this guide. To see your FLY_API_TOKEN run the following command and save the output for later.

flyctl auth token

Deploying Fly-Restic

GitHub Workflow (Recommended)

  1. Fork this repository (click fork in the top right)
  2. Go to your new repository's settings >> secrets >> action's secrets
  3. Create new secrets for each of the following,
    See below for examples of a CRON_SPEC, RCLONE_CONFIG, RCLONE_FROM, and RCLONE_TO.
  4. Now go to your repositories "Actions" tab. You should see one action, (re)deploy restic.
  5. Click on (re)deploy & enable the workflow for your fork.
  6. Now manually run your workflow by clicking "Run Workflow" on the right of the screen. Your workflow should now begin and automatically deploy your Restic app.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run the following commands, replacing {{ VALUE }} with your specifc values.
    flyctl launch --name {{ YOUR-APP-NAME }}
    rm fly.toml
    cd restic
    sed -i "s\%fly_app_name%\{{ YOUR APP NAME }}\g" fly.toml
    sed -i "s\%rclone_from%\{{ RCLONE_FROM }}\g" fly.toml
    sed -i "s\%rclone_to%\{{ RCLONE_TO }}\g" fly.toml
    sed -i "s\%restic_password%\{{ RESTIC_PASSWORD }}\g" fly.toml
    sed -i "s\%restic_prune_args%\{{ RESTIC_PRUNE_ARGS }}\g" fly.toml
  3. Copy your rclone.conf to this restic/.
  4. Create a file named entry-cron within restic/ that defines the cron job to be run with rclone and restic. (See below for an example of a cron definition.)
  5. Run flyctl deploy


CRON_SPEC or restic/entry-cron File.

0 */6 * * * restic -r rclone:$RCLONE_TO backup --verbose /data && \
            restic -r rclone:$RCLONE_TO check && \
            restic -r rclone:$RCLONE_TO forget --prune $RESTIC_PRUNE_ARGS

This example creates a backup snapshot of the RCLONE_TO data, checks previous backup integrety, and prunes old backups every 6 hours.

RCLONE_CONFIG or rclone.conf File.

type = webdav
url = https://instance.domain.tld/remote.php/dav/files/username/
vendor = nextcloud
user = username
pass = rEdAcTeD

type = s3
provider = a-provider-or-other
access_key_id = rEdAcTeD
secret_access_key = rEdAcTeD
endpoint = s3.region.provider.tld

This example shows webdav and s3 providers for rclone. You can generate this file by running,

rclone config

Then copy the generated file from $HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf into restic/rclone.conf.






Copyright 2022 Alec Scott hi@alecbcs.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.