
Primary LanguageJavaScript

VideoSDK for React JS

Documentation Discord Register

At Video SDK, we’re building tools to help companies create world-class collaborative products with capabilities of live audio/videos, compose cloud recordings/rtmp/hls and interaction APIs

Setup Guide


Run the Sample App

Step 1: Clone the sample project

Clone the repository to your local environment.

git clone https://github.com/videosdk-live/quickstart.git
cd quickstart/react

Step 2: Update the API.js file.

Update the API.js file with your Authentication Token generated from VideoSDK Dashboard.

Step 3: Install the dependecies

Install all the dependecies to run the project.

npm install

Step 4: Run the Sample App

Bingo, it's time to push the launch button.

npm run start

Key Concepts

  • Meeting - A Meeting represents Real time audio and video communication.

    Note : Don't confuse with Room and Meeting keyword, both are same thing 😃

  • Sessions - A particular duration you spend in a given meeting is a referred as session, you can have multiple session of a particular meetingId.

  • Participant - Participant represents someone who is attending the meeting's session, local partcipant represents self (You), for this self, other participants are remote participants.

  • Stream - Stream means video or audio media content that is either published by local participant or remote participants.

Token Generation

Token is used to create and validate a meeting using API and also initialise a meeting.

🛠️ Development Environment:

  • You may use a temporary token for development. To create a temporary token, go to VideoSDK dashboard .

🌐 Production Environment:

  • You must set up an authentication server to authorise users for production. To set up an authentication server, refer to our official example repositories. videosdk-rtc-api-server-examples

API: Create and Validate meeting

  • create meeting - Please refer this documentation to create meeting.
  • validate meeting- Please refer this documentation to validate the meetingId.

  • You can initialize the meeting using MeetingProvider. Meeting Provider simplifies configuration of meeting with by wrapping up core logic with react-context.
    meetingId: "meeting-id",
    micEnabled: true,
    webcamEnabled: true,
    name: "Participant Name",
  joinWithoutUserInteraction // Boolean

const { toggleWebcam } = useMeeting();

const onClick = () => {
  // Enable/Disable Webcam in Meeting

const { toggleMic } = useMeeting();

const onClick = () => {
  // Enable/Disable Mic in Meeting

const { leave, end } = useMeeting();

const onClick = () => {
  // Leave Meeting

  //End Meeting

By registering callback handlers, VideoSDK sends callbacks to the client app whenever there is a change or update in the meeting after a user joins.

function onMeetingJoined() {
  // This event will be emitted when a localParticipant(you) successfully joined the meeting.
function onMeetingLeft() {
  // This event will be emitted when a localParticipant(you) left the meeting.

const { meetingId, meeting, localParticipant } = useMeeting({

If you want to learn more about the SDK, read the Complete Documentation of React VideoSDK



Read the documentation to start using VideoSDK.


  • Discord - To get involved with the Video SDK community, ask questions and share tips.
  • Twitter - To receive updates, announcements, blog posts, and general Video SDK tips.