Head LA @ CS 35L | CTF @ Psi Beta Rho | CS @ UCLA
@UCLA-CS-35L | @pbrucla | CS @ UCLALos Angeles, CA
Pinned Repositories
Cupcakes & Cats is a fun game featuring a cat... catching cupcakes! The game was developed using Python and the Pygame engine.
MIT IEEE URTC 2024. GSET 2024. Repository for the "MBASED: Practical Simplifications of Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Obfuscation". A Binary Ninja decompiler plugin taking ideas from compiler construction to simplify obfuscated boolean expressions.
⛳️ A repository of all the CTF challenges I have written for public events.
ECE 188: Computer Security. Repository for "NLP-based Malware Detection on PDFs". Utilizing NLP techniques & transformer models to perform malware detection in PDFs.
TreeHacks 2022: Grand Prize in Healthcare Winner. OrganSafe is a web application that is backed by the Ethereum Blockchain to automatically authenticate and match organ donors with recipients.
LA Hacks 2022. Ever finish your cup of boba and wonder, can I recycle this or not? Introducing Re, an interactive web app that leverages computer vision to make recycling fun with your friends!
CS 35L Winter 2022 Project. RendeYou is a MERN Stack full stack web application that connects users with an emphasis on immediate meetups with friends.
MIT IEEE URTC 2023. GSET 2023. Repository for "SeBRUS: Mitigating Data Poisoning in Crowdsourced Datasets with Blockchain". Using Ethereum smart contracts to stop AI security attacks on crowdsourced datasets.
HackMIT 2022. 2nd Place in Blockchain for Society sponsored by Jump Crypto. A revolutionary web application that leverages machine learning and blockchain technology to improve the crowdsourcing experience!
LA CTF hosted by ACM Cyber & Psi Beta Rho! Website for the largest annual cybersecurity competition at UCLA! Whether you are tackling your first exploit or have professional experience, there will be challenges just right for you!
bliutech's Repositories
ECE 188: Computer Security. Repository for "NLP-based Malware Detection on PDFs". Utilizing NLP techniques & transformer models to perform malware detection in PDFs.
MIT IEEE URTC 2023. GSET 2023. Repository for "SeBRUS: Mitigating Data Poisoning in Crowdsourced Datasets with Blockchain". Using Ethereum smart contracts to stop AI security attacks on crowdsourced datasets.
MIT IEEE URTC 2024. GSET 2024. Repository for the "MBASED: Practical Simplifications of Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Obfuscation". A Binary Ninja decompiler plugin taking ideas from compiler construction to simplify obfuscated boolean expressions.
TreeHacks 2022: Grand Prize in Healthcare Winner. OrganSafe is a web application that is backed by the Ethereum Blockchain to automatically authenticate and match organ donors with recipients.
CS 35L Winter 2022 Project. RendeYou is a MERN Stack full stack web application that connects users with an emphasis on immediate meetups with friends.
HackMIT 2022. 2nd Place in Blockchain for Society sponsored by Jump Crypto. A revolutionary web application that leverages machine learning and blockchain technology to improve the crowdsourcing experience!
LA Hacks 2022. Ever finish your cup of boba and wonder, can I recycle this or not? Introducing Re, an interactive web app that leverages computer vision to make recycling fun with your friends!
Cupcakes & Cats is a fun game featuring a cat... catching cupcakes! The game was developed using Python and the Pygame engine.
⛳️ A repository of all the CTF challenges I have written for public events.
QWER Hacks 2022. 1st Place in Track 1: Community and Connection. An identity-based social media app for forming study/peer groups!
ECE C147: Neural Networks & Deep Learning. Repository for "Developing Robust Networks to Defend Against Adversarial Examples". Implementing adversarial data augmentation on CNNs and RNNs.
A website containing write ups, challenges, & other cybersecurity related content that I have worked on!
Challenges & slides for "What the Heck is Linux?" class taught to high school students at Splash @ UCLA 2022.
Class resources for "Game Programming in C++" class taught to high school students at Splash @ UCLA 2024.
GitHub configuration files and templates.
⚙️ My personal website written in pure HTML, CSS & JS featuring information about me, my projects, & my professional experience.
My profile README.
A GitHub pages root directory to assist with other project pages.
Personal link shortener.
My fork of LL1-Academy since went temporarily offline.
2020 MIT IEEE Undergraduate Research Technology Conference. GSET 2020. Fork of repository for "Integrating Natural Language Processing & Computer Vision Into an Interactive Learning Platform."
Fork of obfuscator-llvm/obfuscator with patches and updates.
Proof of Concept Appliction for testing CVE-2022-42889
Attempt of Sebastian Lague's "Coding Challenge: Tiny Chess Bots".