
ECE C147: Neural Networks & Deep Learning. Repository for "Developing Robust Networks to Defend Against Adversarial Examples". Implementing adversarial data augmentation on CNNs and RNNs.

Primary LanguagePython

Developing Robust Networks to Defend Against Adversarial Examples

An ongoing area of research involves defenses against adversarial examples, which are specifically designed inputs that attack the model's inference. We explore the impact on adversarial examples against common deep learning classification architectures such as CNNs and RNNs, specifically testing on a CNN and CNN-LSTM hybrid, trained on the CIFAR-10 dataset. We implemented an efficient adversarial attack known as the Fast-Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) to generate perturbations against the baseline model. We then developed more robust networks specifically to defend against adversarial attacks by performing data augmentation on the original dataset with adversarial examples. We then trained our improved networks on this dataset. Our baseline models had a 80.374% accuracy for the CNN and 79.001% for the CNN-LSTM hybrid architecture, and when attacked with adversarial examples with $\epsilon = 0.1$, their accuracies dropped to 9.375% and 12.679%, respectively. In comparison, our robust models trained on examples with $\epsilon = 0.2$ defended well against these attacks, achieving a validation accuracy of 75.488% for the CNN architecture and 74.056% for the CNN-LSTM hybrid architecture, which is an absolute increase of 64.142% for the CNN architecture and 61.375% for the CNN-LSTM hybrid architecture, respectively. When comparing architectures, although there were strengths to the CNN-LSTM hybrid architecture, the CNN outperformed it in terms of accuracy and training time for adversarial examples.

The following repository contains the scripts, models, and data relevant to this project. The data used for this project is from the CIFAR-10 data set. For more information about the implementation and results, please refer to the project paper.

Repository Structure

  • attacks/: implementations of adversarial example generation with FGSM
  • data/: data used for training and testing (included in the .gitignore)
  • models/: saved checkpoints for the trained models
  • networks/: implementations of the CNN and CNN-LSTM hybrid architectures
  • utils/: supporting utility functions
  • analysis.ipynb: notebook for performing cross architecture comparison
  • cnn.ipynb: notebook for training and testing the CNN architecture with and without adversarial training
  • rnn.ipynb: notebook for training and testing the CNN-LSTM hybrid architecture with and without adversarial training
  • main.ipynb: notebook for an older CNN architecture used to show baseline adversarial example generation
  • (test/train)-cnn.py: scripts for training and testing the baseline CNN architecture
  • (test/train)-cnn-lstm.py: scripts for training and testing the baseline CNN-LSTM hybrid architecture


In order to run the code and notebooks in this repository, please set up a virtual environment using the following comamnd.

python3 -m virtualenv venv

In order to activate the virtual environment, run the following command.

source venv/bin/activate

Once the virtual environment is activated, you can install all of the necessry dependencies using the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

For downloading the dataset, the torchvision module should download and create the data/ containing the training and testing CIFAR-10 dataset when running any of the scripts/notebooks for the first time.


This repository was for "Developing Robust Networks to Defend Against Adversarial Examples" by Benson Liu & Isabella Qian for ECE C147: Neural Networks & Deep Learning at UCLA in Winter 2023. For any questions or additional infromation about this project, please contact the authors.