BlueNimble is a Hybrid Serverless Platform focusing on developer productivity and application portability. Create and run scalable APIs and applications without coding or by coding less. Focus on application business logic without any knowledge of the underlying microservices architecture.
- AsmaaMammass
- atakangktepeIstanbul, Turkey
- badris9142
- bluenimbleBlueNimble
- bouassoule
- chaoukiBen
- ericjiang97@google
- gaoyb18china
- GitNiks
- hetang
- JZY18
- LeoYelton@Microsoft @EpicGames
- MehdiFalMorocco
- michaelamaru80
- mikewin
- mloukili@bluenimble
- Mohandeep
- mvandermeulenFivenynes
- naveenskashyaphcl america
- nusu🇪🇺
- pravinkalelPolysign Inc
- RiahiKarimFrance
- sannpeterson
- Satwinder77
- shadforth@atlassian
- Solertis
- some-things@nutanix
- synergyxus
- tjgeassluoyang henan
- victor365
- ybz216
- zakariaDMNovway