
3D Gaussian Splatting Converter: A tool to seamlessly convert 3DGS .ply files to a Cloud Compare-friendly format and vice-versa. Features include RGB coloring, density filtering, and flyer removal for enhanced point cloud editing.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

3D Gaussian Splatting Converter

A tool for converting 3D Gaussian Splatting .ply and .parquet files into a format suitable for Cloud Compare and vice-versa. Enhance your point cloud editing with added functionalities like RGB coloring, density filtering, and flyer removal.


  • Format Conversion: Seamlessly switch between 3DGS .ply and Cloud Compare-friendly .ply formats. Now also .parquet is supported as input file.
  • RGB Coloring: Add RGB values to your point cloud for better visualization and editing in Cloud Compare.
  • Density Filtering: Focus on the dense regions of your point cloud by removing sparse data.
  • Flyer Removal: Get rid of unwanted outliers or floating points in your dataset. Especially useful when combined with the density filter due to its intensive nature.
  • Bounding box cropping: command for cropping point clouds to focus on specific regions.


There are two ways to install the 3D Gaussian Splatting Converter:

1. Direct Installation via pip:

Directly install the app from GitHub using pip. This method is straightforward and recommended for most users.

pip install git+https://github.com/francescofugazzi/3dgsconverter.git

2. Installation by Cloning the Repository::

If you prefer to clone the repository and install from the source, follow these steps:

git clone https://github.com/francescofugazzi/3dgsconverter
cd 3dgsconverter
pip install .


Here are some basic examples to get you started:

1. Conversion from 3DGS to Cloud Compare format with RGB addition:

3dgsconverter -i input_3dgs.ply -o output_cc.ply -f cc --rgb

2. Conversion from Cloud Compare format back to 3DGS::

3dgsconverter -i input_cc.ply -o output_3dgs.ply -f 3dgs

3. Applying Density Filter during conversion::

3dgsconverter -i input_3dgs.ply -o output_cc.ply -f cc --density_filter

4. Applying Density Filter and Removing floaters during conversion::

3dgsconverter -i input_3dgs.ply -o output_cc.ply -f cc --density_filter --remove_flyers

For a full list of parameters and their descriptions, you can use the -h or --help argument:

gsconverter -h

Debug Information

For detailed insights pass the --debug flag (or -d for short) when executing the script.


Feel free to open issues or PRs if you have suggestions or improvements for this tool!