Wikidata Agent


A single-user server to communicate with the Wikidata API in a simple, minimalist way.

what does it mean: you have one server running on your computer to which you do your requests and which will then handle the communication with Wikidata


  • being able to interact with Wikidata from a static web page (cf the original need: authors tomorrow), implying a more tolerant CORS policy
  • set your authentification once and then forget about it (using wikidata-token)
  • interact with a minimalist interface tailored to your needs



git clone
npm install
# you should now get a command prompt requesting your Wikidata username and password
npm start

How To

Create a claim

abstracting the wbcreateclaim API

to create a claim on an entity, just POST on the /claim endpoint with entity, property, and value specified in the body

  • with curl
curl -X POST http://localhost:4115/claim -d 'entity=Q4115189&property=P2002&value=Zorg'{
  url: 'http://localhost:4115/claim',
  body: {
    entity: 'Q4115189',
    property: 'P2002',
    value: 'Zorg'

With a reference URL{
  url: 'http://localhost:4115/claim',
  body: {
    entity: 'Q4115189',
    property: 'P2848',
    value: 'Q1543615',
    ref: ''

With a reference to the Wikipedia edition it is imported from

(see Wikipedia editions list){
  url: 'http://localhost:4115/claim',
  body: {
    entity: 'Q4115189',
    property: 'P2848',
    value: 'Q1543615',
    ref: 'Q328' # English Wikipedia


curl -X POST http://localhost:4115/claim -d 'entity=Q4115189&property=P2848&value=Q1543615&ref=Q328'

Set a label{
  url: 'http://localhost:4115/label',
  body: {
    entity: 'Q3938',
    language: 'fr',
    label: 'blabla',


curl -X POST http://localhost:4115/label -d 'entity=Q3938&language=fr&label=blabla'

Create an entity{
  url: 'http://localhost:4115/entity',
  body: {
    labels: {
      en: 'a label',
      fr: 'un label',
      de: 'ein Label'
    descriptions: {
      en: 'a description',
      fr: 'une description'
    claims: {
      P31: 'Q571',
      P50: 'Q535'
    summary: 'importing data from blablabla',
    key: "a hash of those data or some unique id specific to this set of data to make sure this entity isn't added twice"

Add whitelisted properties

Existing whitelisted properties are simply the properties I came to need, but you can add your to ./config/ whitelistedProperties map: for each property, the key has to be a Wikidata property id (ex: P2002) and the value either claim or string: this will be used to make a basic check of your input.