This set of scripts is used along lf to generate image previews and much like vifmimg it is able to handle image, video and ebook previews.
When a SSH-connection has been established, chafa will be used instead.
Besides lf and Überzug you will need to install the following packages:
- ffmpegthumbnailer
- ImageMagick
- poppler
- epub-thumbnailer
- wkhtmltopdf
- bat (optional - color highlight for text files)
- chafa (optional - for image preview over SSH or inside Wayland session)
- unzip (optional - for .zip and .jar files)
- 7z (optional - for .7z files)
- unrar (optional - for .rar files)
- catdoc (optional - for .doc files)
- docx2txt (optional - for .docx files)
- odt2txt (optional - for .odt and *.ods files)
- gnumeric (optional - for .xls and .xlsx files)
- exiftool (optional - for music files)
- iso-info (optional - for .iso files)
- transmission (optional - for .torrent files)
- mcomix (optional - for .cbz and .cbr files)
In the project directory you can run the following command:
make install
To install this to your system, or you can do it manually by following the guide below:
- Extract the following files: cleaner, preview to ~/.config/lf/.
- Extract lfrun to a directory that is in your $PATH variable (such as /usr/bin).
- Edit your ~/.config/lf/lfrc file and add the following lines:
set previewer ~/.config/lf/preview
set cleaner ~/.config/lf/cleaner
- In order to launch lf with image preview support from now on, you will need to use the supplied lfrun script.
I recommend that you make an alias in your shell that points to lfrun.
- lf
- Seebye's Überzug
- Brodie's initial preview script which I used as a template for handling the miscellaneous filetypes that this script also handles.