
k-mer based genomics

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


kmerexpr is a Python package for estimating isoform expression with both the reads and transcriptomes represented as k-mer counts.


First ensure you're in a Python 3 virtual environment (see instructions below).

To install the package and requirements:

# editable installation for development
pip install -e .

If you'd like to pin the same versions used for development (could affect reproducability), run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the simplest test, run

python3 scripts/simple_example.py

Setup a virtual environment

Create a Python 3 virtual environment.

For Unix or MacOS this can be done by executing: source activate [env name]

  1. python3 -m venv kmer-env
  2. source kmer-env/bin/activate

Basic usage

Given a fasta formatted transcriptome in tr_file.fasta the way to create a model is

import kmerexpr.transcriptome_reader as tr
import kmerexpr.multinomial_model as mm

K = 8  # size of k-mers to use
ISO_FILE = <path to transcriptome file in fasta format>
X_FILE = <path to save isoform to kmer matrix>
tr.transcriptome_to_x(K, ISO_FILE, X_FILE)
y = <vector of observed reads>
model = mm.multinomial_model(X_FILE, y)
theta = <simplex of isoform expression>
logp, grad = model.logp_grad(theta)

The resulting value is a tuple with logp assigned the value of the log probability density function at the simplex theta and grad assigned the gradient at theta.

Data download

The fasta format of the human transcriptome is available as one of the human gene resources at NCBI. Here's the download page.

You want to download the "Fasta" format of "Refseq Transcripts". As of now the latest version is GRCh38. Place that in a directory called

  • /data

and you should be good to execute all of the tests or use that for the isoform file.


> python3 get_data/download_data.py

will download the latest version (as of 10th of April 2022) into the /data directory.


There is some documentation for the model that we are going to fit in the top level file model.tex. To build the pdf, do

> cd kmers
> pdflatex model.tex
> open model.pdf

Unit testing

The pytest-based unit tests may be run from the top level as follows.

> cd kmers
> pytest -s

The -s option provides streaming output of any print statements within the code, which provide updates on progress of long-running processes. It's also possible to test a single function, e.g.,

> cd kmers
> pytest -s kmerexpr/test_multinomial_model.py

or alternatively

> cd kmers/kmerexpr
> python3 -m pytest ../test/

This tests the fasta reader along with the serializer and deserializer for the matrix converting a simplex over isoforms to a simplex over k-mers.


The initial point of this repo is to measure how efficiently and reliably we can use k-mers without alignment to estimate expression for a single RNA-seq sample. The steps required are as follows, all of which are done other than the eval.

Step 1. Transcriptome to x

  • read transcriptome from Fasta format
  • shred isoforms to k-mers
  • count k-mers and normalize to stochastic matrix with prob of k-mer given isoform
  • build sparse matrix in Python
  • serialize sparse matrix in scipy.sparse's .npz format

Step 2. Simulate expression theta, reads y

  • generate simplex theta = softmax(alpha) by generating where alpha ~ Normal(0, 4) to match the model, or just sample from a Dirichlet
  • generate isoforms for reads z[n] ~ categorical(theta)
  • read transcriptome from Fasta format
  • for each read, generate a position uniformly along the sequence for z[n]
  • serialize read sequences to disk in Fasta (or Fastq) format
  • generate y vector by shreadding reads and collecting counts
  • serialize y to disk in whatever format Python uses for dense vectors

Step 3. Instantiate model class

  • Deserialize x stochastic matrix converting isoform expression simplexes to k-mer expression simplexes
  • Deserialize y vector of counts of k-mers
  • Construct model class implementing size methods and a single method to return log density and gradient

Step 4. Optimize to estimate theta

  • generate initial guess for theta (e.g., uniform)
  • run optimizer for density as implemented in model class

Step 5. Compare results

  • we can look at difference between theta and its estimate
    • squared error
  • if it looks good
    • bootstrap error bars for individual fit
    • iterate for different theta
    • cross-validate to predict held-out data


The code in this repo is BSD-3 licensed and the doc is CC-BY ND 3.0 licensed.


scipy / numpy

Scipy and Numpy are BSD-3 licensed.