- 1
[CORE] Native support for 2D and 3D vertices
#255 opened by bobluppes - 0
[FEAT] Bipartite graph specialization
#254 opened by bobluppes - 8
[FEAT] KD-Tree
#238 opened by eloimaduell - 3
[DOCS] Make minor improvements to development-setup
#235 opened by dksmiffs - 3
How to perceive all the small cycles( Thanks!
#196 opened by zhangfq-chemistry - 3
[FEAT] 支持 C++ 17 吗?
#189 opened by 18871434218 - 5
- 14
[ALGO] Borůvka's algorithm
#113 opened by bobluppes - 4
[BENCH] Benchmark Welsh-Powell Algorithm
#149 opened by bobluppes - 4
[BENCH] Benchmark BFS traversal
#151 opened by bobluppes - 5
[BENCH] DFS traversal
#159 opened by bobluppes - 14
Improve documentation
#116 opened by bobluppes - 3
[ALGO] Graph Isomorphism
#87 opened by bobluppes - 6
Installation guide is inconsistent
#125 opened by bobluppes - 4
[BENCH] Benchmark DFS cycle detection
#150 opened by bobluppes - 5
- 5
[ALGO] Edmonds-Karp Algorithm for Maximum Flow
#83 opened by bobluppes - 8
[ALGO] Page Rank
#90 opened by bobluppes - 4
[FEAT] Python Bindings
#91 opened by bobluppes - 5
[ALGO] Kahn's Algorithm
#114 opened by bobluppes - 4
[BENCH] Benchmark Bron-Kerbosch Algorithm
#147 opened by bobluppes - 1
[BENCH] Benchmark Greedy Graph Coloring Algorithm
#148 opened by bobluppes - 7
[FEAT] Adding Icons in the links section
#158 opened by ayushsgit - 2
[BUG] Graph coloring unstable for directed graphs
#140 opened by joweich - 5
[FEAT] Type overflow exception throw
#100 opened by Hromz - 1
New design of documentation site
#108 opened by bobluppes - 5
[ALGO] Kosaraju's Algorithm
#115 opened by bobluppes - 2
[DOCS] Broken image in readme
#155 opened by bobluppes - 2
[DOCS] Document Welsh-Powell Algorithm
#146 opened by bobluppes - 4
[ALGO] Welsh-Powell Algorithm
#117 opened by bobluppes - 3
[ALGO] Bron-Kerbosch Clique Detection
#95 opened by bobluppes - 0
Extract common test fixtures
#111 opened by bobluppes - 0
Create common graph scenarios for unit tests
#112 opened by bobluppes - 4
Fix formatting in README
#106 opened by bobluppes - 3
Negative weight cycle detection in Bellman-Ford
#76 opened by bobluppes - 5
[ALGO] Floyd-Warshall Shortest Paths
#89 opened by bobluppes - 3
[DOCS] Document DFS Based Cycle Detection
#60 opened by bobluppes - 2
[ALGO] Graph Coloring (Greedy)
#88 opened by bobluppes - 3
[REQUEST] Collaboration with CXXGraph
#85 opened by ZigRazor - 6
[ALGO] Topological Sorting (DFS-Based)
#70 opened by bobluppes - 0
[DOCS] Document BFS Based Shortest Path
#58 opened by bobluppes - 2
[ALGO] A Star Search
#69 opened by bobluppes - 0
Remove usage of fmt in library
#72 opened by bobluppes - 0
[DOCS] Document Depth First Search (DFS)
#57 opened by bobluppes - 0
[DOCS] Document Breadth First Search (BFS)
#56 opened by bobluppes - 5
Dockerized build
#61 opened by bobluppes - 4
[ALGO] Bellman-Ford Shortest Path
#55 opened by bobluppes - 2
[DOCS] Document Dijkstra Shortest Path
#59 opened by bobluppes - 0
[ALGO] Dijkstra Shortest Path (Tree Version)
#54 opened by bobluppes - 0
[FEAT] report visited edges in BFS/DFS
#63 opened by bobluppes