Calling get_subtree_sequences with wrong parameters give uninformative error message
julianzaugg opened this issue · 1 comments
julianzaugg commented
Calling get_subtree_sequences() with no parameters will produce an informative error message -
> get_subtree_sequences()
Error in get_subtree_sequences() :
argument "asrStructure" is missing, with no default
Calling get_subtree_sequences with a structure object but no node specification provides mostly informative error message
> get_subtree_sequences(asrStructure)
Error in `[.data.frame`(fastaDF, fastaDF$Label == node, ) :
argument "node" is missing, with no default
Calling get_subtree_sequences with any non-structure parameter produces uninformative error message
> get_subtree_sequences(1234)
Error in asrStructure$fastaDF : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
> get_subtree_sequences("")
Error in asrStructure$fastaDF : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
> thing <- "I am a tree"
> get_subtree_sequences(thing)
Error in asrStructure$fastaDF : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors