
AWS CloudFormation Templates Samples

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AWS CloudFormation Templates

Collection of CloudFormation templates.

Name Description
VPC VPC network similar to AWS Quick Start without NAT
NAT NAT gateway in VPC network
EC2 Simple Single EC2 instance in public subnet, EIP attached
EC2 Solr Solr search server behind ALB with bastion support
EC2 Jupyter Jupyter Lab server
Log Policy Lambda function to clean logs on CloudWatch Logs



To use AWS CLI tools

  1. Install awscli from PyPI.
  2. Create a credential file $HOME/.aws/credentials.
  3. Create a local environment file .envrc and load it.

.envrc may include:

  • AWS_PROFILE: Profile name in credential file.
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: AWS region name.
  • AWS_S3_BUCKET: S3 bucket name to upload template files.
  • AWS_S3_PREFIX Prefix string in S3 bucket to upload template files.

Sample file looks like:

export AWS_PROFILE=dev
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1
export AWS_S3_BUCKET=toolboxbucket
export AWS_S3_PREFIX=aws-cloudformation/design


Edit YAML template file and validate it by validate-template command in aws.

$ aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://files/aws-cfn-vpc.yml

Test stack creation and deletion using create-stack and delete-stack command. Check "I acknowledge that this this template may create IAM resources" on when creating a stack. Or "CAPABILITY_IAM" on the command line option if the template requires IAM Role.

$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} \
    --template-body file://files/aws-cfn-vpc.yml \
    --cli-input-json file://utils/aws-cfn-vpc-input.json

Note that CLI parameters JSON cannot include external file. "TemplateURL" works if the file is uploaded.

To delete the stack, just pass stack name.

$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ${STACK_NAME}

To show the list of stacks, use describe-stacks command.

$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks



Creates VPC network similar to AWS Quick Start without NAT gateway.

$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name TestVPC \
    --template-body file://`pwd`/files/aws-cfn-vpc.yml \
    --parameters 'ParameterKey=AvailabilityZones,ParameterValue="ap-northeast-1d,ap-northeast-1c"'

Creates NAT gateway in VPC network.

$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name TestNAT \
    --template-body file://`pwd`/files/aws-cfn-nat.yml \
    --parameters 'ParameterKey=VPCStackName,ParameterValue=TestVPC'

Simple Instance

aws-cfn-ec2-simple.yml is a template for simple command line work. An instance is created in public subnet in VPC network.

EC2 instance includes:

  • Python 3.6 (pipenv and ansible)
  • Go
  • Git, tmux, zsh, jq
  • Docker


$ aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name SimpleConsole \
    --template-body file://`pwd`/files/aws-cfn-ec2-simple.yml \
    --parameters \
        ParameterKey=VPCStackName,ParameterValue=TestVPC \
        ParameterKey=KeyPairName,ParameterValue=${EC2_KEYNAME} \

This template accepts four remote CIDR addresses on parameters.

To confirm Amazon Linux AMI ID, visit Amazon Linux AMI and Amazon Linux AMI instance type matrix pages.


aws-cfn-ec2-solr.yml is a template of Solr server with Application Load Balancer. This template also create a bastion host in public subnet for manual operation through SSH.

  • Open JDK 1.8
  • Solr 7.4.0 (SolrVersion parameter is used)


$ aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name Solr \
    --template-body file://`pwd`/files/aws-cfn-ec2-solr.yml \
    --parameters \
        ParameterKey=VPCStackName,ParameterValue=TestVPC \
        ParameterKey=KeyPairName,ParameterValue=${EC2_KEYNAME} \
        ParameterKey=RemoteAccessCIDR1,ParameterValue=${SSH_ACCESS_CIDR} \

Bootstrapping feature prepares two cores; core1 and techproducts. core1 is copied from _default config set, while techproducts is copied from sample_techproducts_configs. Both cores require initialization requests from Core Admin in dashboard, whose URL is shown in outputs of the stack.

For more information about Solr, see official tutorial.

Jupyter Lab

aws-cfn-ec2-jupyter.yml is a template of Jupyter Lab server. Since this template depends on VPC stack, you have to specify VPCStackName. It also requires RemoteAccessCIDR1 and WebAccessCIDR1 parameters because a server host in this stack accepts ssh and web access on port number 22 and 8888 respectively. KeyPairName is used for ssh connection, and NotebookProfile is attached on EC2 instance. The instance profile expects CloudWatch permissions of "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents", and "logs:DescribeLogStreams" to deliver server log file.

The server includes Python libraries defined by Pipfile. It will take 5-10 minutes to install them.

  • jupyterlab
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn
  • statsmodels
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • bokeh
  • tensorflow
  • pyyaml
  • requests
  • boto3

Jupyter server requires authentication token or password to log-in. Once stack is created, you can see the token in log event on CloudWatch console. The authentication token is shown at start up, and server log is delivered to CloudWatch Logs by awslogs. You can specify log group by CloudWatchLogsGroupDefault template parameter, while default log group is /var/log/jupyterlab.log. And, log stream name is instance ID.


  • VPCStackName: VPC network stack name. It must export "VPCID" and subnet ID specified by VPCSubnetID parameter.
  • VPCSubnetID: Exported variable name of Subnet ID in VPC stack.
  • LinuxAMIOS: The Linux distribution for the AMI to be used for the notebook instance.
  • NotebookInstanceType: Amazon EC2 instance type for the notebook instance.
  • NotebookDiskSize: Disk size by GB.
  • NotebookProfile: Instance profile to attach the notebook instance. Its role have to be allowed to put CloudWatch Logs.
  • KeyPairName: Key pair name. If you do not have one in this region, please create it before continuing.
  • CloudWatchLogsGroup: Group name of CloudWatch Logs to deliver Jupyter Lab server log.
  • RemoteAccessCIDR1: Allowed CIDR block for external SSH access to the notebook instance.
  • WebAccessCIDR1: Allowed CIDR block for web access.
  • RemoteAccessCIDR2: (OPTIONAL) Allowed CIDR block for external SSH access to the notebook instance.
  • RemoteAccessCIDR3: (OPTIONAL) Allowed CIDR block for external SSH access to the notebook instance.
  • RemoteAccessCIDR4: (OPTIONAL) Allowed CIDR block for external SSH access to the notebook instance.
  • WebAccessCIDR2: (OPTIONAL) Allowed CIDR block for web access.
  • WebAccessCIDR3: (OPTIONAL) Allowed CIDR block for web access.
  • WebAccessCIDR4: (OPTIONAL) Allowed CIDR block for web access.


  • NotebookEIP: Public IP address of notebook.
  • SSHAccess: SSH access target string with user name and IP address.
  • WebAccess: Web access URL with protocol and port number.
  • JupyterAccessToken: Jupyter access token for first login. Key is instance ID, and value is access token.

Log Policy

aws-cfn-cwlog-policy.yml is a template of Lambda functions to keep CloudWatch Logs clean. Lambda functions are invoked by CloudWatch Events periodically.

This template has two functions:

  1. Put retention policy on Log Group without "retentionInDays" property.
  2. Remove empty log groups and log streams.

To create stack, it also requires permission to create IAM Roles for Lambda functions. Prepare deployment role so that CloudFormation can deploy serverless stack, and pass role to it while stack creation.


  • LogGroupPrefix: Prefix string of target log group names. (Default: /aws/lambda/)
  • RetentionInDays: Days to set retention policy. (Default: 7)
  • ScheduleInDays: Days to invoke Lambda functions in the Events Rule ScheduleExpression format. (Default: 2 days)


  • PutRetentionPolicy: Name of Lambda function to put retention policy.
  • RemoveEmptyLogs: Name of Lambda function to remove empty log groups and log streams.