- 6
- 3
Support apple silicon
#68 opened by tpatterson - 1
Compilation failure: field must implement `Copy` or be wrapped in `ManuallyDrop<...>` to be used in a union
#67 opened by kihehs - 7
Unable to cross-compile to Android
#49 opened by Michael-F-Bryan - 5
Old TFLite binary with newer model.
#57 opened by Techseeker-404 - 0
Upgrade tensorflow dependency
#65 opened by c-dvl - 5
Can't compile with newer versions of Rust
#58 opened by sheosi - 9
Ready for production?
#55 opened by fzyzcjy - 3
- 2
Rationale of submodule 'downloads'
#60 opened by Finfalter - 1
Segfault in unit tests
#59 opened by ctsa - 1
Dynamic Batch Sizes/Resizing Input Tensors
#50 opened by nmr-cf - 6
Support building on aarch64-apple-darwin
#39 opened by schell - 2
csrc/tflite_wrapper.hpp:1:10: fatal error: 'tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h' file not found
#54 opened by javadoors - 0
Integration with libedgetpu
#51 opened by saidinesh5 - 0
TFLite SELECT_TF_OPS Compatibility
#48 opened by NMRobert - 1
Build failing on Mac OS
#45 opened by NMRobert - 2
Docs fail to build on ``
#4 opened by ErichDonGubler - 8
Bump tensorflow to 2.2.3?
#30 opened by r-wheeler - 0
- 4
- 0
Hexagon Delegate
#34 opened by r-wheeler - 2
compile error on OSX 'failed to run custom build'
#17 opened by julama - 4
Is this maintained?
#31 opened by zachChilders - 0
Support for Custom Operators
#23 opened by sachaarbonel - 0
Add multithreading
#26 opened by tylerhawkes - 0
Failure to link on Raspbian Buster
#24 opened by Palladinium - 1
Use git submodule instead of downloading?
#6 opened by tylerhawkes - 1
- 1
Unable to build 0.6.3 on linux
#18 opened by tylerhawkes - 3
- 4
Size issues when cross compiling
#11 opened by winding-lines