
Intrinsic Curiosity Module (ICM) + PPO on the Pyramid and PushBlock environment.

Primary LanguageASP


This is an implementation of intrinsic curiosity module (pathak et al, ICML 2017).
This doc includes test curves, ICM module usage, and instructions to run the experiments.


Pyramid env, Unity ML

Agent Reward Function (independent):

  • +2 For moving to golden brick
  • -0.001 per step
    pyramid_agent pyramid

PushBlock env, Unity ML

Agent Reward Function:

  • +5.0 if the block touches the goal
  • -0.0025 for every step.
    push_agent push

ICM Module Usage

Located in icm.py

  • initialize module within ppo agent
    class Agent():
    def __init__():
    self.icm = ICM(state_size, action_size)
  • compute intrinsic reward when interacting with environment
    intrinsic_reward = agent.icm.compute_intrinsic_reward(states, next_states, actions)
  • train ICM when training PPO
    self.icm.train(state_samples, next_state_samples, action_samples)

Running Experiments

git clone https://github.com/bonniesjli/icm.git
cd icm
cd envs
pip install -e .

  • to run the pyramid experiment
    python -m main_pyramid
  • to run the pushblock experiment
    python -m main_pushblock