
A library for parsing .INI files written in C.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Beanie is a tiny INI configuration file parser written in C. It uses bhashmap as a dependency to store key-value configuration pairs of the INI file.

Beanie was written as a quick exercise, and as such it is hevily opinionated, minimally configurable, and not very optimized. It parses exclusively whole buffers or files - you cannot request a specific portion nor section of the file to parse. If you are looking for a battle-tested, configurable C library for parsing INI files, take a look at benhoyt/inih.

INI File syntax and rules

As the INI file format is not standardized, Beanie conforms to an arbitrary, non-configurable set of syntax rules, described below.

  • Lines are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace.
  • Blank lines are ignored.
  • Lines beginning with a semicolon (;) are considered as comments and are ignored.
    • Inline comments are not supported.
  • Key-value pairs are separated by an equals sign (=).
    • If a line contains multiple equals signs, the first one is considered to be the separator.
    • Keys are stripped of trailing whitespace, and values are stripped of leading whitespace (in both of the lines number = 123 and number=123, the key is number and the value is 123).
  • Sections are defined by a name enclosed in angle brackets ([]).
    • Section names are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace ([ abc ] defines a section named abc).
    • Characters after a valid section definition are ignored (a line containing[abc]one two defines a valid section named abc).
  • Key-value pairs defined before any single section has been encountered in a file are considered to be "global" - they do not belong to any section.
    • After the first section in a file is encountered, no more global key-value pairs can be defined.
  • Value-less pairs are allowed (key=). In such cases, the value is an empty string.



beanie_parse_buffer(const char *ini_data);

Parse the entirety of the null-terminated string buffer containing INI file data and return a data structure that can then be queried for individual key-value pairs.

Returns NULL on error on INI syntax error.


beanie_parse_file(const char *path);

Open, read, and parse the file at path path. Returns NULL on error or INI syntax error.


char *
beanie_get(const BeanieMap map, const char *section, const char *key); 

Get the associated value of a particular key in a particular section. If the key is in a global section, section should be either NULL or "_".

Returns a pointer to the associated null-terminated string if it is found, or NULL if the section does not exist or the key is not found in the section.


beanie_cleanup(BeanieMap map);

Free the resources occupied by the map. The map should not be accessed afterwards.


  1. Parse the file user_config.ini and access the username key from the proxy section:
BeanieMap map = beanie_parse("user_config.ini");
if (!map) {
    /* error parsing file */

char *username = beanie_get(map, "proxy", "username");
if (username == NULL) {
    /* no "proxy" section in file, or no "username" key in "proxy" section
  1. Acess the path key from the global section:
char *path = beanie_get(map, NULL, "path");
if (path == NULL) {
    /* no "path" key in the global section */
  1. Free the resources occupied by the map: