Event studies: robust and efficient estimation, testing, and plotting
- 2
- 1
Collinearity in the D == 0 subsample
#25 opened by mindenkaempen - 3
Error (430) can not convergency
#23 opened by xbrown1992 - 2
Event plots for effect heterogeneity analysis
#22 opened by orectique - 1
- 3
event_plot after saving and loading in estimates
#20 opened by sthau - 3
- 2
Additional Normalization
#18 opened by lingerhsew - 1
LP-DID and Type Mismatch Error
#17 opened by grigoryaleksin - 2
- 1
- 2
Feature request Event_plot: Allow more flexible naming conventions in stub_lag() and stub_lead() to plot contemporary effect from "wooldid" command
#14 opened by Mbjoerkh - 1
Feature request: Dealing with Count Data
#13 opened by Irazall - 1
- 1
Legend order in
#10 opened by Alalalalaki - 1
Potential bias by singletons
#9 opened by Irazall - 1
What if the same cohort is treated twice?
#8 opened by azev77 - 2
Small typo in the five estimators example
#7 opened by azev77 - 1
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- 1
- 2
Frequency weights not working
#2 opened by Magna24 - 4
Multiway clustering
#1 opened by wagfoliveira