Event studies: robust and efficient estimation, testing, and plotting
- a01benson
- AbdulrasheedIsahZurich
- abhradeepmaiti
- alexeymakarin
- alvarogutyerrez@KULeuven
- austinsmossUniversity of Colorado Boulder
- azev77Fowler College of Business, SDSU
- blakeajackson
- bljohannes
- CandaceJens
- cotchia
- dacbarbosaUniversity of Oxford
- damiancclarkeUniversidad de Chile, Department of Economics
- dballaelliottChicago
- difang-huangUniversity of Hong Kong
- JCSmithEconUniversity of Warwick, Department of Economics
- junyuan-chenLa Jolla, CA
- lachlandeerTilburg University
- lokhandle
- lucaswarwarIpea
- lzy318UC Berkeley
- Magna24
- maskegger
- MRuzzante@dime-worldbank @worldbank
- namangarg29
- Nico-Rojas
- pjaiprak
- ProfessorDhuey
- RicardoGabrielFederal Reserve Board
- sergiocorreiaFederal Reserve Board
- vikjam
- vronizor
- yukitakahashi1European University Institute
- yusukeaoki1223
- zhangyifei85University of Hong Kong
- zhxiaoshiNanjing