
Reproduce the mIoU for cityscapes

Houssem-25 opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for making the code available.
I'm trying to reproduce the mIoU for cityscapes. I want to make sure how should I test the generated images using drn --ms.
What is the resolution when you calculate the mIoU using DRN ? do you upsample the genereted results before testing mIoU or downsample the labels?

Thanks again


We use the resolution equal to the size of generated images, which is 512x256 for cityscapes.
The images should be taken from the ./results/oasis_cityscapes/best/image/,, while the label maps should come as downsampled versions of the label maps (with nearest downsampling) from the dataset.

Alternatively, the label maps can be taken from ./results/oasis_cityscapes/best/label/, as they are already at correct resolution (in this case color images should be converted to 1 channel label maps, based on the colormap function).