Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android, iOS, macOS
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[Issue]: FlutterBluePlus requires android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN permission
#1062 opened by ekuleshov - 2
[Help]: Device is not found in scanned devices until we first paired it manually from bluetooth settings of phone
#1061 opened by faisalwaris - 3
[Issue]: flutter_blue_plus is not using TRANSPORT_LE when connecting from Android 5
#1066 opened by ekuleshov - 0
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[Help]: I can't get advName/platformName
#1063 opened by manunavarro95 - 1
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[Help]: Multiple MSD in advertisement wrong on Android
#1047 opened by P0labrD - 1
[Help]: Regarding the issue of global monitoring of Bluetooth status navigation page?
#1058 opened by xhc-code - 3
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[Help]: "iOS does not support turning on bluetooth"
#1056 opened by samir4055 - 12
[Help]: 1.33.6 to 1.34.0 changes might result in failed discoverServices on Android?
#1054 opened by MrCsabaToth - 6
[Help]: in 1.34.1, "secondary service not found"
#1048 opened by Johnjson - 2
[Help]: discoverServices() method is not working after disconnect and connect back again
#1053 opened by vontdeux - 2
[Help]: 1.34.2: setNotifyValue: secondary service not found 'ff22', null, null
#1050 opened by kukafei - 1
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[Help]: empty scan results
#1041 opened by Johnjson - 7
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[Help]: How to get type of device? Phone、PC、Printer?
#1043 opened by mflutter3 - 1
[Help]: how to send messages using flutter_blue_plus between two mobiles ?
#1040 opened by coybitcom - 2
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[Help]: Advertising Data
#1036 opened by Yolo-cell-hash - 2
[Help]: FlutterBluePlus.adapterState.listen never triggers an unauthorized state on Android
#1031 opened by Quen71 - 2
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[Help]: Unable to send wifi credentials to my device during esp_provisioning. Stopped working after updating to iOS 18. Affecting Production App, Please help.
#1034 opened by sakinaboriwala - 6
[Help]: device is not disconnecting in iOS, disconnect method is not working. But in Android it is OK.
#1020 opened by shimulxx - 1
Connected device delete from OS bluetooth device, again connect the same device unable to connect that device
#1032 opened by balakrmu - 1
[Help]: How to catch PlatformException(setNotifyValue, device is disconnected) ?
#1030 opened by kaciula - 1
[Help]: Getting List<int> length as zero even after the BLE device sending the notification on iOS
#1026 opened by EINS-SD-MOHAMMED - 0
#1027 opened by ImanGhasemiArani - 2
[Help]: PlatformException(iosException, Client Characteristic Configuration descriptors must be configured using setNotifyValue:forCharacteristic:, in flutter_blue_plus
#1025 opened by EINS-SD-MOHAMMED - 2
[Help]: Why does clearGattCache need device to be connected?
#1024 opened by shubhamsinghmutualmobile - 1
[Help]: CONNECTION_TERMINATED_BY_LOCAL_HOST getting error in android connection
#1023 opened by JaydipGateway - 1
#1021 opened by apiTpierson - 9
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[Help]: Can Not Build with Debug
#1017 opened by mztlive - 1
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[Help]: Android - The FlutterBluePlus.isScanning's state is not change back to False when timeout for the first time user opens app
#1016 opened by minhdang2803 - 4
[Help]: IOS: FlutterBluePlus.startScan() automatically opens AppSettings
#1015 opened by minhdang2803 - 6
[BUG]: Characteristic read errors in IOS
#1009 opened by mu-fazil-vk - 4
[Bug]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.lib.flutter_blue_plus.FlutterBluePlusPlugin$OperationOnPermission.op(boolean, java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
#1014 opened by BreadKey - 1
[Feature]: stop the unnecessary Bluetooth scanning
#1012 opened by tenSunFree - 1
[Help]: Error when running the example app on the main branch as of 2024/10/06
#1011 opened by oh-naoki - 3
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[Help]: Device name is broken when reconnecting
#1006 opened by tkddbf7348