
The goal of this project is to implement a simple, monocular, visual odometry (VO) pipeline with the most essential features: initialization of 3D landmarks, keypoint tracking between two frames, pose estimation using established 2D / 3D correspondences, and triangulation of new land-marks. In addition, camera calibration, self-generated datasets and sliding window bundle adjustment have been implemented.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Code of Conduct

  1. Feature-oriented commits and descriptive commit messages.

  2. Work on your own branch, merge with master when everything complies.


Navigate to the Code folder and run the script setup.m. This add the the code folder, subfolders and the Datasets to your Matlab path. Make sure that your current Matlab Folder is always the Code folder. Otherwise you get errors with the paths!

Dataset Class

This class handles the whole interface with the dataset in the Dataset folder. You can use the class like this:

% creates dataset instance
dataset = Dataset('kitti'); % valid arguments are:'kitti', 'malaga', 'parking'
% set bootstrap distance, distance 1 means that it uses first image of
% dataset and the consecutive one;
dataset = set_bootstrap_distance(dataset,2); %if you use this, then only directly after constructor call
% get bootstrap image: the first one and the "first+distance" one
[img1,img2] = get_bootstrap_frame(dataset);
% get a frame with a certain index, here 10
img = get_frame(dataset, 10);
% this methods can be used to get always the next frame (without explicit
% indexing) , starting from the image after the bootstrap image.
% returns is_last_frame + true when handing back the last frame
[dataset, img, is_last_frame] = get_next_frame(dataset);

% important class members
dataset.first_frame             % index of first frame
dataset.last_frame              % index of last frame
dataset.bootstrap_frames        % 1x2 indices of bootstrap frames
dataset.BOOTSTRAP_FRAME_DISTANCE% bootstrap distance
dataset.has_ground_truth        % logic value
dataset.ground_truth            % contains ground_truth array
dataset.K                       % camera intrinsic
dataset.next_frame_index        % index of next frame, only used with
                                % function: get_next_frame()


First letter is the frame
W -> world frame
C -> camera frame
p -> camera coordinates

C_Landmarks = Coordinates of Landmarks in camera frame

R_WC = Rotation matrix from camera to world frame
t_WC = Translation vector from camera to world frame
T_WC = [R_WC | t_WC]

Points: Coordinate frame + _ + describing name (unmatched_feature , etc.) + _ + (norm, homo, (without))
p_features_matched = (u,v)
p_features_matched_homo  = (u,v,1)
C_features_matched = (x,y,z)
C_features_matched_homo = (x,y,z,1)

Arrays of points are in the form (2 x N) resp. (3 x N) or (4 x N)

States: State ( + _curr or _prev if needed)
Includes members P, X, C, F, Tau, I