
Disease diagnosis using phenotypes and genotypes.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This repository contains the backend and frontend code for Genome Diver, a tool for variant prioritization using HPO phenotypes and genotypes.


Server requires installation Postgres 11+, Nextflow, and Java 8

  • Postgres is required to store user info, patient data, analysis runs and a searchable copy of the HPO ontology.
  • Nextflow is required to run the analysis on the submitted variant and phenotype information.
  • Analysis pipelines require an installation of Exomiser, Picard, VCFAnno, and Clinvar
  • GenomeDiver filters are located in a separate project.


  • Server application started by sbt via sbt run or sbt reStart


  • Server configuration is largely specified by resources/application.conf
  • Database scripts are located in the database directory which facilitates the loading of HPO ontology and annotations.
  • Example Nextflow configurations are included in the nextflow/ directory
  • Default Exomiser configuations as well as adjustable parameters for filters are located in nextflow/templates directory


  • Migrate away from custom filters and use Exomiser 12
  • For phenotype recommendation LIRICAL should be used