A vue based web application for viewing data from the shadows database
1: Access control handled with Auth0 authentication; 2: The experiment selection screen, selecting an experiment opens a collapsable view where notes and plates (2a) are shown; 3: The plate view, showing all wells for a given plate, clicking a well (3a) opens the single well view (4), controls for loading thumbnails for the beginning and end of the dataset are given (3b), 3c shows a dropdown menu for all image sets associated with a plate; 4: Single well view, 4a loads a timeseries for a given layer and plays a timelapse, 4b allows navigation through z-stack layers and timesteps, 4c is the sample tagger where annotations can be added to the image and identified as samples of interest.
- configure .env file with appropriate location of shadows API endpoint
- npm run serve
- configure .env file with appropriate endpoint location
- docker-compose up -d
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint