
TeamsAdminTool is a tool that allows you to manage Teams (inc. settings), Channels, Tabs etc. from a single GUI interface

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Disclaimer: This script is provided ‘as-is’ without any warranty or support. Use of this script is at your own risk and I accept no responsibility for any damage caused.

What is it?


TeamsAdminTool is a tool that allows you to manage Teams (inc. settings), Channels, Tabs etc. from a single GUI interface. It is written in Windows PowerShell (relies on WPF so won't work with Core) and requires no additional modules to be installed. To use the tool, simply clone/download the TeamsAdminTool.ps1 file and run from PowerShell.

What can it be used for?

TeamsAdminTool allows you to manage many aspects of a Team that cannot currently be done using Teams Admin Centre or Teams PowerShell Module. To best explain it here is a table of all the features:

Feature TeamsAdminTool Teams Admin Centre Teams PowerShell
View created Teams Yes Yes Yes
Create a Team Yes Yes Yes
- Using a JSON Template Yes No No
- With defined Channels and Tabs Yes No No
- With defined settings Yes No No
Modify a Team Yes Yes Yes
- Rename Team Yes Yes Yes
- Modify Team membership Yes Yes Yes
- Modify Team Member settings Yes Yes Yes
- Modify Team Guest settings Yes No Yes
- Modify Team Messaging settings Yes Partially Yes
- Modify Team Fun settings Yes No Yes
- Modify Team Discovery settings Yes No No
Archive a Team Yes Yes No
Delete a Team Yes Yes Yes
Clone a Team Yes No No
View created Channels Yes Yes Yes
Create a Channel Yes Yes Yes
- With defined Tabs Yes No No
Modify a Channel Yes No Yes
- Rename Channel Yes No Yes
- Modify Channel settings Yes No No
Delete a Channel Yes Yes Yes
View created Tabs Yes No No
Create a Tab Yes No No
- OneNote Tab Yes No No
- Wiki Tab Yes No No
- Website Tab Yes No No
Modify a Tab Yes No No
- Rename Tab Yes No No
Delete a Tab Yes No No
Teams Report Yes No No

How is this done?

TeamsAdminTool is built using Microsoft's Graph API which from what I gather, what the Admin Centre and PowerShell Module use. Currently, this tool is using Graph API beta endpoints to achieve full functionality. The plan is to roll this back to v1.0 endpoints as functionality becomes available.

Note: Whilst there may be bugs with using the beta endpoint, in testing most functions work as expected (see Known Issues section), although being a beta this could change. If you are unsure of impact of the tool making changes to your Teams whilst it used beta endpoints - It is strongly advised you use the tool on some test Teams or a test Tenant.


To connect to Graph, you will need to use an Azure AD v2.0 Application. The application requires that it is granted the following Graph API permissions (delegated user or application):

  • Group.ReadWrite.All - Allows creation and modification of Groups/Teams
  • Directory.Read.All - Allows read-only access to directory for Group/Team membership
  • Notes.ReadWrite.All - Allows access to Notebooks Note: When using user permissions to create Notebooks the user is temporarily added to the group to facilitate this

There are two ways this can be achieved:

  1. Connect using a shared, pre-configured Azure AD Application - This is the easiest option and no set up is required, using a shared application all you will need to do is login using your O365 account and consent the application against your tenant (admin consent required):
You can grant consent when signing in with the tool or by going to this URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/adminconsent?client_id=6d84adaa-2a01-4f45-964b-180cbdbfd20d
  _Grant Consent Prompt:_


  _Application Consent Granted in Azure AD:_


  _Note: This does method does not provide access to your tenant for anyone other than the users you grant it to in your own tenant. It is essentially a template of permissions._
  1. Create your own Azure AD Application - Using the permissions mentioned above, create an Azure AD application ensuring you:


  1. Download or clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/leeford/TeamsAdminTool.git

  2. Run the script from a PowerShell prompt:


  3. Choose an Azure AD Application type and click Connect. If prompted, login using your O365 credentials

Known Issues

  • When cloning a Team, the mail nickname specified will not be used - This is a Graph bug
  • When retrieving or setting the Channel "IsFavoriteByDefault" value, null is returned - This is a Graph bug
  • When creating a OneNote tab (including the Tab name), once a Teams user interfaces with the Tab for the first time, the Tab is renamed to 'note'. Unsure what (if anything) can be done about this as this occurs outside this tool.