This plugin requires neovim nightly (>=0.5.0).
Install with vim-plug:
" requires
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' " for file icons
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua'
let g:nvim_tree_side = 'right' "left by default
let g:nvim_tree_width = 40 "30 by default
let g:nvim_tree_ignore = [ '.git', 'node_modules', '.cache' ] "empty by default
let g:nvim_tree_gitignore = 1 "0 by default
let g:nvim_tree_auto_open = 1 "0 by default, opens the tree when typing `vim $DIR` or `vim`
let g:nvim_tree_auto_close = 1 "0 by default, closes the tree when it's the last window
let g:nvim_tree_auto_ignore_ft = [ 'startify', 'dashboard' ] "empty by default, don't auto open tree on specific filetypes.
let g:nvim_tree_quit_on_open = 1 "0 by default, closes the tree when you open a file
let g:nvim_tree_follow = 1 "0 by default, this option allows the cursor to be updated when entering a buffer
let g:nvim_tree_indent_markers = 1 "0 by default, this option shows indent markers when folders are open
let g:nvim_tree_hide_dotfiles = 1 "0 by default, this option hides files and folders starting with a dot `.`
let g:nvim_tree_git_hl = 1 "0 by default, will enable file highlight for git attributes (can be used without the icons).
let g:nvim_tree_highlight_opened_files = 1 "0 by default, will enable folder and file icon highlight for opened files/directories.
let g:nvim_tree_root_folder_modifier = ':~' "This is the default. See :help filename-modifiers for more options
let g:nvim_tree_tab_open = 1 "0 by default, will open the tree when entering a new tab and the tree was previously open
let g:nvim_tree_width_allow_resize = 1 "0 by default, will not resize the tree when opening a file
let g:nvim_tree_disable_netrw = 0 "1 by default, disables netrw
let g:nvim_tree_hijack_netrw = 0 "1 by default, prevents netrw from automatically opening when opening directories (but lets you keep its other utilities)
let g:nvim_tree_add_trailing = 1 "0 by default, append a trailing slash to folder names
let g:nvim_tree_group_empty = 1 " 0 by default, compact folders that only contain a single folder into one node in the file tree
let g:nvim_tree_lsp_diagnostics = 1 "0 by default, will show lsp diagnostics in the signcolumn. See :help nvim_tree_lsp_diagnostics
let g:nvim_tree_disable_window_picker = 1 "0 by default, will disable the window picker.
let g:nvim_tree_hijack_cursor = 0 "1 by default, when moving cursor in the tree, will position the cursor at the start of the file on the current line
let g:nvim_tree_window_picker_exclude = {
\ 'filetype': [
\ 'packer',
\ 'qf'
\ ],
\ 'buftype': [
\ 'terminal'
\ ]
\ }
" Dictionary of buffer option names mapped to a list of option values that
" indicates to the window picker that the buffer's window should not be
" selectable.
let g:nvim_tree_special_files = [ '', 'Makefile', 'MAKEFILE' ] " List of filenames that gets highlighted with NvimTreeSpecialFile
let g:nvim_tree_show_icons = {
\ 'git': 1,
\ 'folders': 0,
\ 'files': 0,
\ 'folder_arrows': 0,
\ }
"If 0, do not show the icons for one of 'git' 'folder' and 'files'
"1 by default, notice that if 'files' is 1, it will only display
"if nvim-web-devicons is installed and on your runtimepath.
"if folder is 1, you can also tell folder_arrows 1 to show small arrows next to the folder icons.
"but this will not work when you set indent_markers (because of UI conflict)
" default will show icon by default if no icon is provided
" default shows no icon by default
let g:nvim_tree_icons = {
\ 'default': '',
\ 'symlink': '',
\ 'git': {
\ 'unstaged': "✗",
\ 'staged': "✓",
\ 'unmerged': "",
\ 'renamed': "➜",
\ 'untracked': "★",
\ 'deleted': "",
\ 'ignored': "◌"
\ },
\ 'folder': {
\ 'arrow_open': "",
\ 'arrow_closed': "",
\ 'default': "",
\ 'open': "",
\ 'empty': "",
\ 'empty_open': "",
\ 'symlink': "",
\ 'symlink_open': "",
\ },
\ 'lsp': {
\ 'hint': "",
\ 'info': "",
\ 'warning': "",
\ 'error': "",
\ }
\ }
nnoremap <C-n> :NvimTreeToggle<CR>
nnoremap <leader>r :NvimTreeRefresh<CR>
nnoremap <leader>n :NvimTreeFindFile<CR>
" NvimTreeOpen and NvimTreeClose are also available if you need them
set termguicolors " this variable must be enabled for colors to be applied properly
" a list of groups can be found at `:help nvim_tree_highlight`
highlight NvimTreeFolderIcon guibg=blue
- move around like in any vim buffer
will cd in the above directory<C-]>
will cd in the directory under the cursor<BS>
will close current opened directory or parent- type
to add a file. Adding a directory requires leaving a leading/
at the end of the can add multiple directories by doing foo/bar/baz/f and it will add foo bar and baz directories and f as a file
- type
to rename a file - type
to rename a file and omit the filename on input - type
to add/remove file/directory to cut clipboard - type
to add/remove file/directory to copy clipboard - type
will copy name to system clipboard - type
will copy relative path to system clipboard - type
will copy absolute path to system clipboard - type
to paste from clipboard. Cut clipboard has precedence over copy (will prompt for confirmation) - type
to delete a file (will prompt for confirmation) - type
to go to next git item - type
to go to prev git item - type
to navigate up to the parent directory of the current file/directory - if the file is a directory,
will open the directory otherwise it will open the file in the buffer near the tree - if the file is a symlink,
will follow the symlink (if the target is a file) <C-v>
will open the file in a vertical split<C-x>
will open the file in a horizontal split<C-t>
will open the file in a new tab<Tab>
will open the file as a preview (keeps the cursor in the tree)I
will toggle visibility of folders hidden via |g:nvim_tree_ignore|H
will toggle visibility of dotfiles (files/folders starting with a.
will refresh the tree- Double left click acts like
- Double right click acts like
You can disable default mappings with
" let nvim_tree_disable_keybindings=1
But you won't be able to map any keys from the setup with nvim_tree_bindings. Use with caution.
Default keybindings can be overriden. You can also define your own keymappings for the tree view:
lua <<EOF
local tree_cb = require'nvim-tree.config'.nvim_tree_callback
vim.g.nvim_tree_bindings = {
["<CR>"] = ":YourVimFunction()<cr>",
["u"] = ":lua require'some_module'.some_function()<cr>",
-- default mappings
["<CR>"] = tree_cb("edit"),
["o"] = tree_cb("edit"),
["<2-LeftMouse>"] = tree_cb("edit"),
["<2-RightMouse>"] = tree_cb("cd"),
["<C-]>"] = tree_cb("cd"),
["<C-v>"] = tree_cb("vsplit"),
["<C-x>"] = tree_cb("split"),
["<C-t>"] = tree_cb("tabnew"),
["<"] = tree_cb("prev_sibling"),
[">"] = tree_cb("next_sibling"),
["<BS>"] = tree_cb("close_node"),
["<S-CR>"] = tree_cb("close_node"),
["<Tab>"] = tree_cb("preview"),
["I"] = tree_cb("toggle_ignored"),
["H"] = tree_cb("toggle_dotfiles"),
["R"] = tree_cb("refresh"),
["a"] = tree_cb("create"),
["d"] = tree_cb("remove"),
["r"] = tree_cb("rename"),
["<C-r>"] = tree_cb("full_rename"),
["x"] = tree_cb("cut"),
["c"] = tree_cb("copy"),
["p"] = tree_cb("paste"),
["y"] = tree_cb("copy_name"),
["Y"] = tree_cb("copy_path"),
["gy"] = tree_cb("copy_absolute_path"),
["[c"] = tree_cb("prev_git_item"),
["]c"] = tree_cb("next_git_item"),
["-"] = tree_cb("dir_up"),
["q"] = tree_cb("close"),
All mappings are set in normal mode
This plugin is very fast because it uses the libuv
and scandir_next
functions instead of spawning an ls
process which can get slow on large files when combining with stat
to get file informations.
- Open file in current buffer or in split with FzF like bindings (
) - File icons with nvim-web-devicons
- Syntax highlighting (exa like)
- Change directory with
- Add / Rename / delete files
- Git integration (icons and file highlight)
- Lsp diagnostics integration (signs)
- Indent markers
- Mouse support
- It's fast
- You can edit the size of the tree during runtime with
:lua require'nvim-tree.view'.View.width = 50
- Open the node under the cursor with the OS default application (usually file explorer for folders):
function NvimTreeOSOpen() local lib = require "nvim-tree.lib" local node = lib.get_node_at_cursor() if node then vim.fn.jobstart("open '" .. node.absolute_path .. "' &", {detach = true}) end end