
Cross Platform Window Library

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Buy Me A Coffee

CrossWindow is (aims to be) a cross platform window library. I made this because I don't like currently existing solutions to create cross platform windows and I wanted something that resembles my coding principles.

Supported Platforms

CrossWindow supports only Xcb for now. I'll first work towards adding support only for Linux.

  • Xcb (linux)
  • Xlib (linux)
  • Wayland (linux)
  • WinNT (windows)
  • Android (android)
  • MacOS (mac)
  • iOS (mac)

I intend to make this library dependency free. Make use of dependencies only if necessary, like my life depends on it!


Using CrossWindow is easy to use. You can either take a look into the Examples directory in Sources or take a quick reference below :

#include <CrossWindow/Window.h>
int main() {
    const Uint32 width = 960;
    const Uint32 height = 540;
    const Uint32 posx = 10,
    const Uint32 posy = 50;
    XwWindow* win = xw_window_create("My Window", width, height, posx, posy);

    XwEvent e;
    Bool is_running = True;
    while(is_running) {
        while(xw_event_poll(&e)) {
            is_running = e.type != XW_EVENT_TYPE_CLOSE_WINDOW;
            /* handle other events here */

        /* process changes made by all events here, like draw, clear, motions/animations etc... */


The code is well documented in my opinion so once can use it to read and understand what to do further till I add more examples and documentation.


To build and install CrossWindow as a library on your system, follow the following steps :

  • Create a build directory where you want to build the library. I usually name this as Build inside the project root itself.
  • Go inside Build directory and open a terminal, or you can follow any other method to go to that directory inside the terminal.
  • Run the following command :
    • If you have Ninja installed on your system, then use it, it's better : cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    • If you don't have Ninja installed, then we'll just use GNU Make : cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • The last step will generate build files needed for building the project, and now you can run :
    • ninja if you have Ninja installed
    • make -j${nproc} if you have make installed. You can run just make as well. The only difference is number of threads provided for building the project.
  • The last step will build the project, and now you can install it using :
    • sudo ninja install if you have Ninja
    • sudo make install if you have GNU Make.


Any help is welcome. I don't have a windows system, so if anyone is willing to add support for Windows platform, I'll be grateful. Make sure to follow similar coding style as explained in Contribution Guide.