
Launch and manage cloud computing resources for antibody repertoire analysis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


EC2 instance/cluster management. Still under active development, but main command syntax (launch, ssh/sshnode, destroy, terminate, get, put) is fairly stable and hopefully won't undergo breaking changes.


pip install abcloud

Out of the box, abcloud assumes you have an EC2 key file, named default and located at ~/.aws/default.pem. Both of these defaults can be changed at runtime, using the --key-pair option to pass an alternative key name and the --identity-file option to pass an alternate path to your keyfile.

abcloud uses boto, which is Amazon's Python API for working with AWS. Once boto is installed (it will be installed automatically when you install abcloud with pip), you should configure your AWS credentials.


abcloud <command> <cluster_name> [options]

launch clusters/instances

Launch a single instance named 'my-instance' (the default instance type is m5.8xlarge):
abcloud launch my-instance

Launch a cluster named 'my-cluster' with a master and 2 workers, all m5.8xlarge:
abcloud launch my-cluster --workers 2

Launch a cluster with spot instance workers at a max price of $1.00/hr (by default, only the workers use spot pricing and masters are on-demand):
abcloud launch my-cluster --workers 2 --spot-price 1.00

Launch a single instance using spot pricing:
abcloud launch my-instance --spot-price 1.00 --force-spot-master

Launch a cluster with 2 workers of type m5.8xlarge and a master of type m5.24xlarge:
abcloud launch my-cluster --workers 2 --master-instance-type m5.24xlarge --instance-type m5.8xlarge

Launch a single instance ith 8x500GB EBS volumes in RAID10 (the default is ):
abcloud launch my-instance --master-ebs-vol-num 8 --master-ebs-vol-size 500 --master-ebs-raid-level 10

connect to clusters/instances

SSH into the master instance of the 'test' cluster:
abcloud ssh test

SSH into node001 of the 'test' cluster:
abcloud sshnode test --node node001

put/get files

Put a file (local path: '~/myfile') onto the master instance of 'my-cluster' (remote path: '/scratch'):
abcloud put test ~/myfile /scratch

Put the same file onto node001 of the 'test' cluster:
abcloud put test --node node001 ~/myfile /scratch

terminate or destroy clusters

Terminate the 'test' cluster:
abcloud terminate test

Destroy the 'test' cluster (same as terminate, but also deletes security groups):
abcloud destroy test

To get a full list of options and default settings:
abcloud --help


Python 3.5+

All of the above dependencies can be installed with pip. If you're new to Python, a great way to get started is to install the Anaconda Python distribution (https://www.continuum.io/downloads), which includes pip as well as a ton of useful scientific Python packages.