(Inactive, see readme) Multiparty computation with SPDZ, MASCOT, and Overdrive offline phases
- alpetricWindmill
- anfractuosity
- crenzBerlin, Germany
- cteodorLuxembourg
- deescuderoo
- G-Dong
- GuutBoyDenmark
- haik
- jaak-sKU Leuven
- kleinmatrixLondon, UK
- kushtiErgo Platform
- lenerdAarhus, Denmark
- longcpp
- marius92mcBucharest, Romania
- mediovia
- mhluongo@thesis
- montaguegabeCambridge, MA
- mortendahl@zama-ai @tf-encrypted
- mosiop
- ocalex86HEIG-VD
- palexsterAWS
- prvsousaPorto, Portugal
- raonyguimaraesGenuity Science
- risingnote
- rwailsGeorgetown University & US Naval Research Laboratory
- sachaservanMIT CSAIL
- sashank
- schoppmpGoogle
- sebastianst@oplabspbc @ethereum-optimism
- sjudsonYale CPSC
- tais9Seoul, Korea
- tpj
- victorklos
- wanghs09Azeroth
- yanivtal@graphprotocol
- zhangrichard