Pinned Repositories
DirectX 11 shader to draw solid 3D line based on two 3D points as the vertex input. Line width and fill color specified with a cbuffer. Uses geometry shader to render the billboard line.
DirectX11 HLSL shader that draws a textured quad in screenspace using coordinates specified in a Geometry Shader.
A DirectX 11 sky shader. Based on the Preetham Model for rendering an atmosphere. Only requires a basic cube for rendering a realistic sky.
Extremely simple C++ program to read and write Jpeg image files. Library-free LibJpeg implementation.
Distance between triangle and line segment. Intersection and nearest distance computed. Line segment consists of 2 3D points. All cases computed.
Simplified read and write Targa format .tga image files in C++. Utility routines to rotate, flip horizontal and vertical, resample, draw rectangles on an image.
C++ 3D Vector class and utilities for common vector operations such as euclidean distance, multiplication of vectors, dot, cross, vector-plane intersect, triangle distance, to/from cartesan & spherical coordinates and more.
britanniavirtual's Repositories
Extremely simple C++ program to read and write Jpeg image files. Library-free LibJpeg implementation.
DirectX 11 shader to draw solid 3D line based on two 3D points as the vertex input. Line width and fill color specified with a cbuffer. Uses geometry shader to render the billboard line.
DirectX11 HLSL shader that draws a textured quad in screenspace using coordinates specified in a Geometry Shader.
A DirectX 11 sky shader. Based on the Preetham Model for rendering an atmosphere. Only requires a basic cube for rendering a realistic sky.
Distance between triangle and line segment. Intersection and nearest distance computed. Line segment consists of 2 3D points. All cases computed.
Simplified read and write Targa format .tga image files in C++. Utility routines to rotate, flip horizontal and vertical, resample, draw rectangles on an image.
C++ 3D Vector class and utilities for common vector operations such as euclidean distance, multiplication of vectors, dot, cross, vector-plane intersect, triangle distance, to/from cartesan & spherical coordinates and more.