- 1
The gui_script file is no longer substituted when creating via ‘Create Monarch Scene From...’.
#111 opened by ufgo - 5
Strange transition behavior on the second replay
#108 opened by Morgerion - 0
Transition doesn't work when preload is checked.
#110 opened by normano - 4
message `monarch.TRANSITION.DONE` not triggered
#106 opened by baochungit - 1
- 2
Applying transitions between screens
#103 opened by baochungit - 1
Transitions not triggering
#99 opened by rawktron - 0
An error in docs (using transitions)
#102 opened by ProgrammingLife - 1
Timing change in screen becoming 'visible'
#98 opened by dri-richard - 5
Asynchronous window sliding
#91 opened by Morgerion - 2
- 1
Malformed URLs when using nested collections
#95 opened by dri-richard - 1 api doc clarification
#94 opened by paulbaucom - 0
Allow loads/preloads to be cancelled
#92 opened by dri-richard - 4
Incorrect behaviour when sliding windows
#90 opened by Morgerion - 3
Screen flickers when stacking popups
#89 opened by whiteboxdev - 2
- 1
collection unloading / resetting the stack
#87 opened by dri-richard - 1
Monarch screen stacking system
#86 opened by Huy-Nguyen-web - 1
- 4
- 0
Looks like a typo in the code (warnings)
#83 opened by e1e5en-gd - 0
- 6
- 11
- 0
Change timestep_below_popup at runtime.
#73 opened by whiteboxdev - 7
show(nostack=true) + hide = bad behaviour
#78 opened by Morgerion - 16
- 2
monarch.back() callback calling twice
#80 opened by Dragosha - 1
Flashing/pop-in before transitions
#77 opened by brettmjohnson - 2
Calling is returning nil
#76 opened by britzl - 25
- 2
Can't get to work
#71 opened by rduke1982 - 1
Way to find out if the screen is a popup
#69 opened by u546342 - 3
- 2
The editor script should only work on .gui files, it works with any file and can behave badly if done so
#66 opened by subsoap - 5
- 1
Monarch 3.x introduced a breaking change
#58 opened by Jerakin - 4
- 0
- 2
Reload a preload collection proxy doesn't work
#46 opened by hanthuyen8 - 4
- 6
2.19.0 Screens not registered
#52 opened by wabosh - 6
- 4
Add option to keep input focus for a screen even if another screen is on top of it
#48 opened by britzl - 2
Can't change a transaction
#50 opened by AGulev - 1
Add a way to communicate between screens
#47 opened by britzl - 12
- 5
Stalls on showing first screen
#45 opened by Jerakin - 1