
conda/ heterogenous behavior on Harvard cluster (Odyssey)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm running XPEHH calculations for a bunch of different population pairs. Using the same script, a bunch of these have gotten started running, while the latter half fails with an unexpected error:

2017-01-28 09:48:28,476 - cmd:112:main_argparse - INFO - software version: 2.0.0-beta-181-ge43cb00-dirty, python version: 3.5.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 2 2016, 17:53:06)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)]
2017-01-28 09:48:28,477 - cmd:115:main_argparse - INFO - command: /n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/ selscan_xpehh tmpDirKeep=False inputRefTped=/n/regal/sabeti_lab/jvitti/clear-synth/1kg_tpeds/chr1_strictMask_PJL_clear-synth-20161227.tped.gz maf=0.05 threads=8 inputTped=/n/regal/sabeti_lab/jvitti/clear-synth/1kg_tpeds/chr1_strictMask_FIN_clear-synth-20161227.tped.gz outFile=/n/regal/sabeti_lab/jvitti/clear-synth/1kg_scores/xpehh/chr1_strictMask_FIN_clear-synth-20161227_vs_PJL tmpDir=/tmp gapScale=20000 loglevel=DEBUG truncOk=False
2017-01-28 09:48:28,478 - cmd:127:main_argparse - DEBUG - using tempDir: /tmp/tmp-scans-selscan_xpehh-semx0iw6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/", line 580, in
util.cmd.main_argparse(commands, doc)
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/util/", line 130, in main_argparse
ret = args.func_main(args)
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/", line 365, in main_selscan_xpehh
gap_scale = args.gapScale
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/tools/", line 530, in execute_xpehh
toolCmd = [self.install_and_get_path()]
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/tools/", line 124, in install_and_get_path
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/tools/", line 101, in install
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/tools/", line 145, in attempt_install
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/tools/", line 441, in _attempt_install
pkg_version = self.verify_install()
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/tools/", line 386, in verify_install
installed_version = self.get_installed_version()
File "/n/home08/jvitti/cms/cms/tools/", line 480, in get_installed_version
matches = package_info_re.match(installed_package_string)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
srun: error: holy2a18202: task 0: Exited with exit code 1

And I now appear to get the same error when I run from the command line. I don't have this issue on the Broad cluster. I tried rolling back to conda 4.0.10 (which is what's installed on the Broad) but ran into another unexpected error:

(cms-env3) [jvitti@holy2a18308 /]$ conda install -q -y conda==4.0.10
Fetching package metadata ...........

InstallError: Install error: Error: 'conda' can only be installed into the root environment

I can always rsync the data to the Broad server and run the calculations there, but it'd be great to understand why this (apparently) stopped working -- spooky.

Yeep, it seems like this is also making problems for Travis...

For the first error, replacing tools/ with the one available here should hopefully resolve it. The error, 'conda' can only be installed into the root environment is accurate; conda cannot be installed when an environment is active—it has to be installed when miniconda is included in the system PATH (but not when an environment is active). A sticking point is that conda v4.0.10 is (at last check) now unavailable. Fortunately, I submitted a fix for the activation race condition that has been accepted by conda, so we can use v4.2.16 and later (not sure if it is in the 4.3.x tree yet).

That does the trick -- thanks @tomkinsc !